Steeeee- Steven Spielberg
Where do we begin?
You were the ultimate fantasy machine for a kid
So how could I not pursue film?
Life was boring compared to what you were doing
You were creating this whole infrastructure of filmmakers who tried to mirror you
And your spirit, and what you were doing
And the whole gold rush, like they just went to Hollywood
And it was- well it wasn't just you
It wasn't
It was
Geooooorge, George Lucas
How do we begin?
It takes more than
Being a filmmaker
Give me a boner
How fun it iii-iiii- how fun it is
How fun it is
How fun it is
Th- you're not making any money-
You're not making any money in the arts!
Wait, what do you mean?
Well look at Vanity Fair, years ago there were like TONS of moviemakers out there!
And now what's happening to 'em all?
They're all making Gigantic Gigantitron
How am I supposed to get my vision across?
How am I supposed to make anything that works?
How am I spuh-ghmsd to make anything that really matters when nobody's gonna buy it?
I'm trying to make it happen, man!
WhAt am I suPPosED to dO?!
You're the one who got me into this f*cking mess, man, come on!
Help me out, dude, please!
Help us
Steeeee-ven Spielbeee-eeeerg
Steven Spielberg
Steven Spielberg
And George Lucas
Help me!
Help me, I'm dying!
Gz- ah, the filmmakers
The filmmakers...
(dying noises)
We're- we're dying here
You wanna know why? 'Cause everybody is thinking about themself
Okay, so if you got a script- you wanna know something?
When you go and take that script, to like freaking Brad Pitt, or Spielberg
Believe me, they have like a hundred projects lined up already
And they're unable to make their movies, okay
And there's Steven Spielberg and George Lucas
And the banks aren't giving them loans, so
Do you think the banks are gonna give you loans?
Just try to do the math
But- then again, I can make a really cheap movie
And you should, and go do it
If you could pull it off, make it happen
But you wanna know something, Buster?
It better be f*cking perfect! It better be perf-
Peeeeer- (unintelligible sounds intermixed with words like Steven Spielberg and Better. And meowing. And scary monster noises)
'Cause that's what it's gonna feel like, okay?
'Cause that's what it's gonna feel like and that's what you're gonna have to go through
You're gonna have to go through it
You're gonna have to go through it
You're gonna have to live it
You're gonna have to do it
You're gonna have to make it happen, like Bukowski said
All the way
All the way
Go all the way
This might mean losing... your sense of self, your sanity
Going to jail, imprisonment, whatver the f*ck, your wives
Are you ready to give that sh*t up?
You better be, your f*cking parents don't mean sh*t anymore, okay?
You better go out there and f*cking do it!
Make it happen!
Drop it all!
Do it
It's gonna take that type of thing to do it-
Do it-
Do it!
(monster sounds)
It really is you against the dark forces
It really is...
(monsters again)