Eric The Audible vs Zagranis - Utimate Community Royale #2 lyrics
by LexNour Beats
You want me on this beat? Well okay then, Ethan
You want to start some beef? Whatever you say then, Ethan
I'll follow through with this, don’t test my patience, Ethan
Would take it easy but we both know I ain't Nathan, Ethan
So catch these flames then Ethan, E-R-I-C to the A
Versus Zagranis, tell me, who here remembers which name?
You see their hands up, Releasing my new track's an event
You write a doc and half your crew’s throwing that trash in a bin
“I'm a spiritual lyrical miracle” how can you be my rival?
I'm RBA in this battle, I'll never need revival
It's sickеning. You on the mic is a crime, dude
An affront to my pеople: Think I'd rather fight Psytube
Where's your new album, homie? I guess production stopped
You were too busy doing nothin' - suckin’ Dustin off
And that’s not something that I would typically diss
But you got on one remix and you haven't shut up since
So Mista-Mista checks your flows, what kind of magic is that?
You turn a rap battle to some type of wack mumble rap
And if you think that that’s tragic, you'll surely have heart attacks
When I tell you heart ain't enough for talentless hacks
What was that? Sorry I was busy mixing some sh*t
Gonna undeafen for a while to go against an incel kid
Writing? Debatable. Notoriety? No contest
But no amount of presets could help your mic from sounding sh*t
You've been here for how long now? 7 years going?
And your first top 10 was 3 months ago, are you kidding?
You couldn’t harm me once with all those Psytube bars that you're throwing
It's showing, may write your battles but VAs, and mixers do your bidding
Maybe Eddie can do you a solid, and transfer his talent to you
Can't edit, mix, master, and the voice range of King Mewtwo
You were a last resort for the matchup, I didn't wanna battle you
But everyone in the crew server's like “It's Ethan, this gonna be easy dude”
You hopping off the doc, cause you're jacking Eddie off
You put on this tough exterior, in reality you're soft
Get beat by the big Z, everyone's favorite NB
Your writing's somehow worse than when you worked with JMB
This Arby eating, battle deleting, horse beating piece of sh*t
Want to talk about crew servers? Well let's f*cking talk about it!
It's all “Dustin this, Eddie that, CRB this, CRB that”
Well how about you actually upload a video, you ass hat!
This battle's a royale, but my conclusion: f*ck you!
Bribing women at work's the only time you'll get them to: f*ck You!
f*ck dude, I gotta hop off, I'll see ya later, bro
Let's see what everyone else brings to the cypher, though
Hi it's Cri, hopefully this doesn't come off as sleazy
But damn Eric even my puns aren't that f*cking cheesy
And Ethan, goddamn it, get your life together man
Don't sit on your ass and let your crew do all the work for you again
Why don't you clip that for your twitch chat shove it underneath your tit flab
Abruptly leaves calls cause you know nobody likes your b*tch ass
Eric has one voice for every character despite being the Audible
And Ethan, I somehow manage to find Psytube more tolerable
That sh*t wasn't logical, gotta look through a f*cking monocle
To see the amount of bullsh*t you spat cause those jokes you said weren't comical
If you attempt to play with fire you should know your prone to get burn
Somehow Eric's lazier than me, oh have the tables have turned
I'm from Oklahoma but you're not in the OK
Bash your heads in with a mallet call that croquet
When I'm roasting two overweight failures
“Look like we're having pork today”
Yet again between your ego and nice guy ideals you've been left torn
Haven't seen this much of a let down since Bill Cipher vs Discord
Time to kill this beat and make lotsa brains pop (ayy)
When I come in and leave these namedroppers' names dropped
And I've got plenty issues with this lonely waste of cells twerp
So I'll be burying you if you don't cremate yourself first (ayy)
Ay, couldn't think up a better guy to sneak diss huh?
50 f*cking selfies and you still can't get the picture
I'm iconic, mic rocking, but this stuff is hardly new
It's not the first time that you've had a banger coming after you
This party pooper opens his mouth and it's convo murder
You're drier than everyone's eyes after you left all the servers
Your verse reminds me of that Gamers call you sneaked into (why?)
Cause that sh*t is just another thing I'm sleeping through
It's pretty easy beating this greaseball back to his creaky crew
I'm done fighting this stock image, time to move on to Ethan dude
So p*ss off to your tiktok ‘fore I f*ck up you some more
And make like your name, give that eye something to be useful for
This'll be dull, lemme get over with this arsehat
Not hard to diss the dude who's best quality's being laughed at
With battles from the penny store that never release anymore
You used your crew as wheels and then had a f*cking car crash
I'll be careful cause they've spent life sheltered in their basement
If I blink at you the wrong way then you might start gamer raging (true)
Those bars were such an incredible wreck
Maybe cobble your rent together instead
And Eric buddy, look how long you've stuck around, like f*ckin' hell
You're good for reviewing battles and just about, well nothing else
Dustin's elf is such a damn repetitive dude
I think you'd better off if you were Eric the Mute
So when Psytube fights you prepare for a load of fire rhymes noobs
When I square off on a beat I leave it frozen like an ice cube
And I'd like to stay behind and leave this batch of b*tches more fried
But Dustin dropped a new track so I got some sh*t to talk, bye!
Hey guys I see we're going after Psytube, great!
I bet he beat you with multisyllabic rhymes though, wait!
All I could hear was whining that people don't watch his music
It's Zthan the nuisance who won't stop with sh*tty 2 cents
I mean do I even need to say?
Obligatory: Dustin's Content is Overpraised
I'm 10/10 ones and zeros, call it binary code
So Ethan can't compete, ‘cept maybe when it comes to trash flow
Your old vids are cringe like sharing servers with mommy
Like when Eddie used ponies you sucked up and dropped Timey
Instead drop lines that I don't need to rewrite entirely
Or pull a Psytube, don't drop videos since Halloween
It's funny Psy finds himself in E vs E
When he won't stop fighting Mr. A vs A
Your new video will be released with your face reveal
But your win and poke rap? It'll never see the light of day
Eddie wishes he was frb, he's actually got good takes
Yeah leave for a week go ahead and take another break!
But make it permanent, let people like FRB
Cause when you left we were all so f*cking happy
It's Eric's Review Time, ehh disappointing
Like how your coworker felt after company time and
All I heard was cheesy writing and after this he'll be crying
Cause like his mouth at Arbys, his RB's will never stop biting
And in this firefight, I know that Cri is more than half blind
He's not a writer right? He couldn't even spit half lines
I hardly dissed you Cri but my verse has met its end
Calling you all 2/10 is generous BOTM m
I don't mean to be steppin' in and messin' with your group therapy session
But the impression that I'm getting's that y'all need a couple lessons
‘fore y'all go ahead and step into your ‘wee fights
‘Cus I sat through your productions n' saw less disses than rewrites
Like what's up with that? It's like y'all can't rap
I've heard a better banger on soundcloud ads, no cap
Thank god you've got the teacher here to come and cut da crap
Bro I've seen a faster flow of blows go through my Twitch chat
It's sad that ‘Edward' tries to be illiterate yet lyrical
While finding time to whine that he got ‘ridiculed' by Briticale
It's typical, that Psytube tried to fight so hard to get me here
The first time that I laughed at him, I made his whole f*cking career
So you go ghost write for Dustin innit, acting like that makes you different
Never left your basement, dipsh*t, so I mean what was the difference?
So go shriek til' your mic peaks, in flow tests where you mumble
Then go jump right into chats to somehow make Eddie look humble
Yo RNG, are you hearing me?
No one cares to see, this whiny loser speak
Bro you'll have nothing left, ‘cus you know that when I'm through
Dawson won't be the only thing you've said bye to
Ethan you're creeping me out, you ain't quirky you're just weird
Looking like if Fight greased up and grew a f*cking neckbeard
Leave another lonely schmuck smeared, bro this is my mic now
‘Cus buddy you're the least interesting part of your own royale
I could smell the Reddit Karma dripping from this drama llama
So step up kid and I'll harm ya! Y' stutter more than Obama
It's Audible v Inaudible, you mutter doesn't matter ‘granis
Glad you dropped the Brony shtick because you're half the man that Kam is
It's high time I diss Cri, you whining lazy slob
Guy I shine bright and I fly high, I'll finish off the job
‘Cus I'm hopping over Hopkins, dropping hot bombs never stoppin'
Givin' homeless f*cks a whoppin' while leavin' your crews boppin', like
Oh shoot! f*ck off and die, dude
I'm moving on and I got better sh*t to now do
So with a round of applause, I end my debut
Here's my closing note:
“Ahem, f*ck you”
On a dark cloudy night on the FRB server
Everyone is pummeling each other to the ground
God has been sent from the heavens to…
Calm them down
For babysitting you chumps I think I should be paid
Why did they put me against the mid card of rap battle days
I wish I could be a little nicer but there's other way
You guys are f*cking awful. No hiding that with Overlays!
How is it that this kid accomplished more in a year
Than all of you have in your entire f*cking careers
And then you infest FRB not like that server already bombed
The ownership's a constant in and out, JUST LIKE ME WITH ETHAN'S MOM (YEAH)
Rap Clash? trash sh*t, think they have a smash hit
It's just some sad kids making peeps not do Live Action
It's such a f*cking shame you have the same 2 vas
I can't tell what's your aim, sh*tty battles is your claim to fame
Bargain Bin DRB, even Ethan knew you f*cks were useless
Your team would be better off just doing SoundCloud Exclusives
Moving on to the dead horse here's motherf*cking Psytube
Gets called out for his bullsh*t, and cries like “WHAT THE f*ck DID I DO”
And judging by the other brit I don't know what I'd expect
Dude streams Among Us on Twitch of course he gets Little to no Secks
Audible's videos are on par with the ones the other Eric did
Zagranus over here drops new sh*t like they're Mista Not Talented
Ay Fightmarker, Mic Dropper
Shot tracks as Zodiac and these rhymes slaughter
It's clear Who Won I hope I didn't go too hard on my buddies
Who's next? Heh just a bunch of f*cking nobodies (and rabi)
Was just about to record a demo for my battle
Then I was invited to duel with the underrated coolest peeps
So like my FRB's with Paige that I scrapped, I'll
Scrap against the bargain bin of the community!
Let's start with forefront rappers, why don't we? Or is Ethan too busy gushing over Eddie's battle with ponies?
How about you focus on your writing ability, ‘cause I thought a pizza battle would make your flow heat
Hey Eric, you gonna make videos? ‘Cause I'm looking at your channel and it's too empty
I'm leavin' him choked on the microphone until he's out of breath- a Blue Yeti
Kamren, I can't think how you can even stand with
Your rank with your MHA- supply for no demanding
Ayo Psytube, work on your rhymes, dude, ‘cause you're struggling to be an actual competitor
This dude thinks he can edit better when he barely even opens his own editor!
RNG, bars cut clean through Thomas geeks, where's your track experience?
Cause how do you make battles with stop motion vehicles and expect us to take you serious?
You better weep and cry when I beat down Cri, well I didn't know much about him
So maybe they'll put his follower count in his eulogy when this track cuts and scalps him
(eats potato chip cutely)
Now I'm back for seconds
Most of you guys need to work on your writing, Eric's Photoshop skills are a wreckage
I feel like there's someone I'm missing
Oh, well Fight is friend, I can't really diss him (Usher! Let's go!)
What was that, Rabi? Was that supposed to be a rhyming scheme?
That was crap, Rabi! You're like the rap version of YTP
So let me grab that mic and fix this battle from behind the scenes
'Cus I'm back one last time and scoring the ultimate FRB!
People only praise this kid for seeing how to click Easy Ease
That leaves this TN slave nothing more than dollar store cheap GP
But it's easy to see, why you're seething on the pavement;
"Down the Rabi hole" might as well mean Dustin's editing basement
Yo Fightmarker, you ain't a fight starter
If you're a "mic dropper", sounds like that impacted your song
They know I rhyme stronger, 'cus I don't write longer
Than rushing off-flow, off-beat to make a line a thousand words long
But let's get real for a second
I'm glad I got to come back and appeal for a second and then teach you all a lesson
This battle shows we healed and I reckon you'll all do great with your raps
Unless your name is Xhack
Listen, Jade, you're slowing down to a stammer
Less a verse, more a game of see if you can understand her
Cause this grape's expiration date's Rap Battle Day
Jade, you're about to wish you died from someone who prayed!
Eric, here's another quiz that I think you'll find hurts to beat
Where on Earth did you put Tighten vs Hercules?
And don't think that I'd forget about Cri
Because in hearing him rapping, this is the first f*ckin' time
I've marked here that Fightmarker's barely a fight
Barely unlike the time I f*cking failed to say his name right
We call you stupid Psytube, but don't be swayed
Because you're one of the most talented… oh, wait!
How about Ethan here reacts to this backing track
As Xhack comes to hack and slash through this pack of trash!
How're you comin' back from that? Don't answer that, I'm content
Even my network connection is better getting off the ground again
Rabi's lost my sympathy taking my favorite role and
Saying f*ck it, it's time to do a little bit of trolling
RNG rolling snake eyes 'gainst this Minty fresh rapper
Leave you bent out of shape just like my headphones and snap ya!
So uh, I've always kind of wanted to be in a community royale, and here's my chance. No hard feelings, aight?
Check it
Hey Xhack, I don't really mean to be rude but I do have this to say
A setback, is the only thing you are when it comes to it, outta my Ennway!
That verse was torture like your horror battles, and do you know what's scarier?
No wonder you can't spit real sh*t when you spend your life on Terraria!
Hey Jade, can we talk your verse for a second? Flow's so bad, you lost my respect and
For the record, if you think I'd feel threatened, then use some effort and get direction
Thinking that your words spiked, I know that your verse tried
But listening kinda hurts right? Like is this Battle of The Worse Mic
And speaking of which Marker b*tch what the hell was that diss
I spit acid against trash kids, don't try to rap prick
I don't really know how much damage,fightmaker can manage
I'll leave you balling your eyes out harder than when your group clashes
Track's in my name, and this trakked's diss track isn't lame fightsharter
Deleted your sh*tty battles from YouTube like a Dry Erase Marker
Now the F stands for f*cked, down a step and undisputed
They cut the “Re” out of the Cypher and decided to leave you “Booted”
The king of DRVA has come to slay this
You're all just faceless, with most of you sympathizing with racists
But yeah, I get it, you're pathetic, so why would I bother, really?
All shown that you're just Benedict Arnolds, I'll call you Dilly
Uh oh
Nice Diss-Trakk, Now i gotta put you in a body bag
And drag you to the back of my yard and discard you like trash
Brought you to the highest peak you dropped me and you laughed b*tch
When you step on a beat with me, street murder
Why this motherf*cker's verse built like Skeep's server?
I destroy tracks with no end, avatar with the flow bend
I am not a crook, I'm your mom's new boyfriend
Mint, by far your verse gotta be the lamest
Thought this switched from a royale to a psytube battle playlist
I'm out here running beats while you struggle to be funny
You make me wanna pull an ethan, leave this sh*t ab-*LEAVES CALL*
When it comes to this rap match I rule the top
Pull the Glock leave a b*tch red like its superhot
At the end of the day, i respect you all as friends
But the winner of this battle's tacogod, say amen
No...I don't think I will
Guess I finally know what it's like to be in one of these
Bunch of losers screaming in their mics, all thinking they're the G in rap
But, like REALLY f*cking suck, so I'd tell you to suck on deez-
But people like Dilly already do it without being asked
The amount of times that this kid fails to be funny is numerous
But you staying muted b*tch? That'd be quite a bit humorous
Like my f*cking god, this iddy bitty kiddy's lines hurt just to read
(heh) Looks like someone ordered their Taco with extra cheese
And now for Ethan, the Zagranis Dude, the trash take making brony
I know you're low on options when you can't make copypastas or simp for Rosie
But here's a fun fact! Barely having anything to show won't let you get the win
Had me thinking “Fucck am I gonna have to write all of Ethan's sh*t again”
But now, let me spitball a few names, Psytube you're being a huge douche mate
Then when Eddie's embarrassing ya, this prick starts to look more red than a crewmate
And Jade ain't A grade, had practically nothing of value spat
Making Rabi lose his sh*t with the lack of points on that Value Graph
RNG? Please! It's clear that luck's something this hack lacks
Becoming a joke ‘fore you even start like “It's time for a rap clash!”
And Leo please I'm on my knees begging, stop making battles that f*cking blow
Oh yeah, you quit Youtube…. LETS f*ckING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Here's the scenario, these guys think they can rap with Shimario
But when I'm done they'll be sorry though, there's no competing with how hard I flow
Though I'm sorry yo, that may have been a bit too much, so I'll cap it off right there
But if any other nobodies wanna try me, then come if you dare
...Wait, wait actually hold up, if any other nobodies wanna try me, then WHAT IF YOU DARE?
Yuh, going out of retirement
Bunch of stupid kids need to know what true fire is
Ey Rabi, you gon cry to your pappy when i'm done dissin you
CVGRB gave this Mimikyu his own Mimikyu
But you ain't the only criminal, lemme talk to Trakked a bit
Of course you can't manage a server when you still owe Dustin cash, you b*tch
And RNG ain't harmin me, on the track you've been clowning, dawg
You made your debut April 1st, so of course you're a laughing stock
After helping the likes of Moleman i'm hyped to cause Cri's fall
That verse blew in your face so hard you can call it your eyeball
But even with your partial sight, your sense of rhythm ain't better
Sure you only got one battle but it's clear you should stop tryin'
Your parents busy paying your med bills while I'm rolling in dough
Or as Ethan and Dilly call it: the result of their diets
On the topic of Dilly you driving me loco you childish misguided f*ck
Why don't you go back to cosplaying Burger King while yelling “THEBES” at the top of your lungs
Giving me so many roles, man it's like you're in love with me, but now it's you being killed by your crush
This murder would draw the cops to your house, but with your previous lies I don't think they'd show up
But now I'm done making roasted pork, who else thinks they can go toe to toe?
A milked joke who was funniest as an emote of Nagito?
Psytube's rhymes prove that without me and Dean's support
He crafts verses more disgusting than his thumbnails of plant vore
Leave you bruised, aching and fussy, none of y'all are above me
You got intentions like Shimario, super f*ckin' sussy
It's natural the rock musician played y'all like his drums
So now it's time to dodge more of your bullsh*t, hibernate for 6 more months
It's not really typical for rappers like myself
To go run through a diss track against a giant herd of incels
Oh wait, Eric made that choice for himself, well either way it seems you're all in luck
Cause me spitting these bars will be the only time you get f*cked!
It's Swoldow the B-tier B-Lo, there's something I gotta say bro
Your verse dragged on like your April Fools battle, so I'm glad you're gonna lay low
And no one dissed Leo, like his battle making, I guess it was too much of a hassle
Let's just say it's a miracle that your sadness didn't drop you from this battle
Shimario wins most potential from a creator lost to their laziness
Don't really need sharp lines since it's too easy to slay this b*tch
And frankly, I see your verse like you see your Minus World battle
Take a guess why…'s cause I will not be playing it!
Dilly why don't you do me a favor and f*cking grow up for once
Quit being a dunce or you'll be back on the blacklist in a couple of months
Then there's Psytube, can't deal with you, your tangents are too frequent
Then he turns around, acting all down when he gets the silent treatment
When JustGamer's on a beat, b*tches flock to the scene
Not talking about the average when I say that I'm mean
Haven't seen such crap raps since the come back
That I basically carried for DRB
They called me a joke, now who's the clown
Just like my side series, y'all are discounts
Rising up the ranks but you fools stay down
New king of newcomers, I take the crown
Thanks Zagranis for the invitation, let me vent my feelings
Means a lot, that our most heinous role is all you're steeling
And its assuredly not spots in Battle of the Month, bud, with an exception
And think about that for a Second, it was the one I was in, I Reckon
Gamers claims how much he's paid lays our whole ass crew to shame
Gotta say, thought that was inane, but now our thoughts are the same
Cause hey, you weigh in with sh*t hurtful opinions that aren't very pulpit
Then Cash in that victim card like we're just playin' games of Bullsh*t
Oh, Psytube, won't lie dude, you seemed kinda nice, but jesus christ, why
Is it every time I come by, you gotta be inside a fight, like
I'm so tired of hearing you cry and whine especially about what Eddie thinks
And dragging old dead despitutes like f*ckin' Re-Animation vs Anything
You're lackin in laughs Trakked, sh*t, Dilly appealed off the blacklist
But it's evidently not appealing enough to drop off the wack raps list
And goddamn, is that it, Rabi? Keep a better key frame of mind, guy
Fight brought better rhythm, and he can barely f*ckin' finish on time
At this rate, this'll take decades, there's so many people here
But every other peep I've got just much as much beef with, it's seemin
Why am I listenin' if what you all could say just falls on deafened ears
I'll just remute after droppin' heat then I guess drop out this VC then
I guess it's common knowledge a group like this is welded by friendships
But now I'll ruin you all in the community worse than Jacob's friend did
No wonder this moron's called RNG - he randomly spews out thoughts on his Twitter
The only trait Adam has is good writing but without a crew, his script's in the litter
Call me a nice guy but I can get bitter on a track like I'm reading Trakked's creepypastas
Call me Cri's life is so sheltered, the only burns he can make is on him: a disaster
Dilly, you're doing my head in, you unforgivable annoyance, just go ahead and quit
Your art is your only saving grace, but everything else about you is pure sh*t
As for you Ethan - you don't have a job? Got a stimulus check and wasted it badly
Hoarding an ego the size of the filler that's present in JustGamer's verse, sadly
X off this Hack with exotic raps, how often that's gonna happen's apparent
You are spitting so awfully whack; like Hagakure, your lines are transparent
I know people change like they're Jade's usernames but their taste in a sweetheart will remain the same
Got so many exes, you're practically chasing infatuation but it's fading away
Need a Psytube line dude to round off this verse, you got the duck lips but can't get to first base
All of you work your ass off on these battles, you better grab a Kit Kat and go take a break
Got hit up in a voice chat
Community royale? Gotta voice that
Time for Mason to leave some losers bleeding
So start sending tears back to mommy Ethan!
Of course this was your idea, you love ranting about your crew
And you still gloss over the fact we're carrying you
You got hitched to Timey, and I guess it's for the better
It's no Secret nostalgic Nimh-rods tend to stick together
(Yo) Wanna get you riled? Lemme bust out the joke stash
Brony moves, Dustin feuds, intros in a Rap Clash
How sad, you run back to your vent account in tears
Knowing those jokes are the most clout you've gained in your 8 years
Hey all, Rayyan's here! Step down from being a thief?
Took from Scott, sprites, and RJ but couldn't bring any beef
Rocco's stopped his series motion, and his jokes went awry
When I spit these bars cold maybe you'll warm up to Jacket Guy
Oh Jade, my object show brethren
That verse was so soft, no wonder you kin Gelatin
Screwed over your farmer friends, then licked Vivian's boots
Like what did I expect of a Homestuck fan... ew
Swoldow's actin' whiny, probably wanting to delete this
“Random Mario enemies? Peak comedic genius!”
Not you Shimario, though you would fit in nicely
How you gonna say you're ballin' when you got none to fight me? Ayy!
DvJs table-scraps tried to prove they could make bangers
Then flunked and came up shorter than my British doppelgänger
Don't call me squeaker, compared to you all I'm first rate
I just 1-Up'd these losers, time to close the gates
Now I get that most of you think that you're hot sh*t
But Rayyan, I'mma have to tell ya to sh....IT!
If you wanna steal flows, then I guess Imma steal the show
I mean, check the last royale when I'm in flow
Look I'll admit that being in Lloyd's cypher gives you much respect
But DRB's getting bronze thrice, I guess this Gamer is oppressed
When Adam's firing shots, dodging dates is the least of his concerns
'Cuz he got drafted for a war and Sandler is getting served
It's Dilly! The Loco man himself, it's been awhile
But glad to know after all this time, he still writes like a child
You ain't getting off scot-free, Jade. It won't take much
Became like 049, you killed our ears once the mic was touched
So Eric best take notes, it's a Snowball fight I'm dishing out
Couldn't mix your own battles so why mix yourself within this bout?
When I'll carry another FRB so ya'll best listen to this
Or sh*t, Psytube will vent again and f*cking rage quit
Please, p*ss off with your antics and multi-syllable format
I ain't here to get all fancy, I'll wipe you on my goddamn door mat
As for you Mason, umm, I guess it's nice to see ya?
Thank Ethan for bringing me in this butchered Rap Arena
Yo Swoldow, how's that finale going pal?
Tho I don't know, it'll prolly put me to sleep like this Fool's royale
I gotta say Trakked, I'm surprised you managed to inspire Eddie
Too bad the moment ya did, he bent ya and took away Jenni
I stand above most of you dipsh*ts, so Leo, don't get it twisted
Either f*ck off back with Fel on Twitch, or get your education finished
Oh, to everyone else I can't get to, it's not that I ain't harsh
But with most of you, it's tragic I couldn't care less to drop any bars
"In a Community Royale, might I add, that'll be bad or scrapped"
Karma came and slapped y'all silly yet we still pursue this crap?
Whatever, I said my piece, as for the rest of this feud?
I interrupted your squabbling. Why? Because f*ck You
Spidey Fam:
Hey I don't know you and I'm no shakespeare
But you know what, I'm just happy to be here
Looking at the list of people, there's no competitors
Shoulda known better than to meddle with the dopest editor
High temperature flows and roasts, there's practically no rivalry
If I showed BTD your rhymes, he'd just f*cking sit there silently
I'm disappointed by them, especially Dilly or Eminem, I can tell you read
The material; Man really went right back to a doc*ment
And Shimario, what the hell happened with you?
With that verse and those battles, did you bribe your way into the main group?
Unknown, but never dissed, spitting verbal murder
Making y'all rage harder than if a kid joined the server you've got disorders
Like Ethan thinking they can lay a decent verse. (huh?)
Makes sense the best battle on your channel isn't even yours
Spitting quick, microphone lunatic making sure nobody's ignored
But it's pretty hard to acknowledge anybody exists when your witless rhymes got me dangerously bored
Now moving forward; why were they so horrid, well, I got a clue
When everyone runs out of ideas, they write about Psytube
Full disclosure, I also ran out of ideas...
My pre-pubescent years is what kick-started my career
In what we all love and live for, we've grown so much to make it right here
I guess we live and learn but seems I haven't taught you that
You shouldn't ever mess with Vlad when I'm back rappin' on the track
Because you all are wack and your rhymes are wacky
Dilly lost motivation and he can't out-rap me
You couldn't run a Trakked, but it's in your name
X Hack out the rap; you Just got no GAME
ERic is Audible? Barely
And a Marker couldn't Fight like “Spare me!!”
You gonna cry Cri? I'll show no remorse
Same with Rabi when he's my last resort
I'm Vlad to the bone so I'll take the throne
You're too cheesy Nathan Provolone
It's always a pleasure, so guess it's what/ever
But we'll see who's better when I
Diss whoever
When bundled together, I can't wait to fry Kam
Sunny-side up when he's under the weather
Yeah I'm normally a pacifist
But I'll be the one to put Jade back on the blacklist
Just sayin' Rayyan, I don't even know you
But SIR, I can tell that your horrid flow blows dude
It's even leavin' Psytube way more confused
So he left himself abused; Amazingly leaves me amused
There's no doubt in my mind my verse is best by far
Hit Ethan with better bars then I'll hit ya' with MY CAR!
An Imposter's in my DM's and RNG's lookin sus but.. can all choke on J Deez Nuts!
*Vlad's beat slows down suddenly*
King Mewtwo:
(anime cackle)
You guys think you can spit? (x3)
Well guess what? The king's returned to make a second diss!
Congrats Kamren, you've shown us for the umpteenth time
That doing below average editing is the only time you shine
Your writing's sh*t, your rapping's sh*t
I wanna know how Disney saw anything in this oviform nerdy b*tch
Vlad, what was that? Your verse was sub-par
Spitting bad puns cringier than you posing next to a car
Rayyan, here's some free advice, considering you're the new kid:
Stop. f*cking. Trying. You're sh*t
*cough* Anyways, Swoldow's stepped into the fray
Been here for what, 5 years, and you STILL haven't changed?
With a series called ASS, Adam shouldn't be a hassle
Such a f*cking degenerate, he skipped a date for rap battles
I wish Eric was Inaudible, can't stand this dude when he spits
As for your co-worker shenanigans - Tier 4 levels of horniness
Yo! I'm throwing all you kids off-flow!
...And you'd know about that, wouldn't you Rocco?
Psytube, what's been said about you that you haven't heard before;
Perhaps the fact your rapping's deader than your TikTok, ya bore
"I beat you in Battle of the Month!" Just remember this, dude:
Dustin only remixed your battle 'cuz he had nothing else to do
Speaking of which; Zagranis, they planned this
Motherf*cker 'Ran It', then dashed into the trash bin
I think I'm done; thanks lads, but now I'm tired as sh*t
From handing out more L's than Jade's amount of relationships
Eric, no way you're audible against me!
Adam you're a D but I've seen more meat from an RBs (Arby's)
Ethan Zagranis? You're Ethan Zacrappy!
I've heard better rhymes from my Ethan Zagranny
Let me teach these kids a f*cking math lesson
I am always greater and y'all are just less than
Finna divide some lies and multiply the facts
I added parody to rap battles, yehh, subtract Justin
No cap, He's just been busted (justin buckner)
And hate to bring them up but
Him and Zander Kanack can
Only get some recognition for the bullsh*t they put up back then
And by that I'm literally talking animals feces
Infested with leeches. Damned if it's recent
Metaphors I'm finna preach them
So giddy up now kids *WHIP*
Your series rides the backs of what we started
I'm taking out you wrappers cause I'm bringing out my garbage
You sensitive, motherf*cking uninventatives
Are so dumb it's only accurate to call you retar- restart that
You sensitive, motherf*cking uninventitives
Dexter in his laboratory wouldn't be impressed with it
I knew you'd only get a bar about a Cartoon Network
So that's why I referenced it
I bet you're typing your lyrics while I'm writing mine which ain't only why you'd never match my penmanship
I'm Feeling as iF the Flow is so on Fleek as it just Falls right oFF a my Five Faultless f*ckin Fingertips
Wait, who the f*ck brought me into this?
Oh yes, he's the man I can't stand it's Ethan Zagranis
I'm about to go HAM on this b*tch, I'm headed for you
You asked for this sh*t, now you a DEADBOI TOO(DEADBOI 2?)
[Part 2]
Words always reused
Sad excuse for verbal abuse
Rapping in circles like that you certainly
Still haven't threw me for a loop
And I may like overusing rhymes sometimes to drive you wild and overdue it like times through
But I can still keep my lines tight without screwing it up like you and that stupid wise guy Psytube
ERBP; We weren't even 15
Like, what's a punchline or flow?
How do I treat it on beat?
That's where y'all are at with effort
You really make me wanna sleep
So now someone's got to be the shepherd
In a community full of sheep
Prepare to be tarnished yo
Like every battles audio
Eric the Audibles mixes
Sound terribly garbage bro
Even Bling Face wouldn't want to use half your sh*t I just heard
Swear to god they all gonna replay this battle just to skip to my verse