Lucky to Be Alive (Live) lyrics
by John Craigie
I felt poor so I went to Mexico
Then I felt rich so I went to New York City
Then I felt poor again so I went to Walmart
Then I felt rich, so damn rich
Oh yeah but the truth is
I'm not poor and I'm not rich
I am neither
I'm just lucky to be alive
That is all, that is all
Then I felt smart so I went to college
Then I felt dumb so I went back to Walmart
Then I felt smart again so I read some Stephen Hawking
Then I felt dumb, just a little bit dumb
Oh yeah but the truth is
I'm ain't smart and I ain't dumb
I am neither
I'm just lucky to be alive
That is all, that is all
And I felt talented til I watched James Taylor play guitar
Then I felt like I sucked so I went to a Kid Rock concert
Then I felt talented again so I listened to Simon & Garfunkel sing
Then I felt like I sucked, Oh lord, like I sucked
But I tell you now that the truth is
I'm not talented and I don't suck
I am nor do I neither
Oh man, I am just lucky to still be alive
Singing to you all, singing to you all
Thank you