Coda lyrics
by The Underground Avengers
We've been watching this situation all day now with not even the thought of a meal. I've got to eat something or I'm not going to be able to make it another hour. Can we please just take a quick trip to the corner store to grab a quick bite and some drinks before Chambers gets here with his creepy minions? This'll probably be our only window of opportunity. Once they get here, it's going to be the sweatshop all night long again
You're right, I'm hungry and very thirsty. Let’s try to hurry and get back before they show up. Leave the monitors running and recording any movements in case we need to run a sweep of any relocations
Done, let's go
Alright, don't forget to lock up. We don't need any nosy Tier 1 employees trying to snoop around while we're away...
Can anyone hear me?
Is anybody getting this?
If this is coming through, you gotta be careful
They know how to track you by...