by Sarz
Sade what's up now Yunno
I mean you've just been kind of down
Is it because of that same guy like what's happening
Girl sigh
After we broke up I've just been a little
I don't know you know how I feel now
He said he was gonna call me when he was back in town
It's been three weeks now
Haven't heard from him dunno if I should text
Like I honestly don't know what to do
I mean I know this is over and I might as well forget about him
But I really like this is connection my body just tingles ahh
Your body is tingling for the D laughter
What you need is proper D sho ti bo
Get out there and get you some jump off D
Do you understand
Something to take your mind off of this guy I won't lie
I've had some jump off D that was good
I still think about him yo
Why he got you sprung
He got your nose wide open laughter
He got your nose wide open
Yes I promise you
Like I thought that getting that di*k would be
Like I promise you this di*k is good di*k
Like it's like f*cking top shelf f*cking di*k
This spirit's di*k
No This other di*k like I haven't even f*cked f*cking spirit di*k
You haven't F No
And you're in love
And I'm already f*cking sprung laughter you sprung
Not that level on spiritual things girl
We have to find a way to take your mind off him
That's all so l can't call
No you can't call because really the way he treated you
You said he went out off town with another babe
Do you know how annoying that is but bear in mind we're not dating now
Like he not my boyfriend so why you have so many feelings for him
L don't think you should call him l think you should move on
Maintain your dignity l been trying to move on it's been war
Where we are we giving it time time is your best friend
Hey 6 months and you're still here o da bo laughter
You're on your own ki si nikan ti mo le se mo laughter
O da bo we have to go now bye
You're on your own bobo yen ti mo e
Spiritually do you understand wa je a lo re baba kan
Je alo re baba kan o ma yo e be
Won ti fun e nikan je l can't help you here again
Sade kuro lori ago laughter
Come come come l have ticket nice ticket to that heyyy
Chopping the Lagos party l no dey go l no dey move
L have ticket and if l f*cking run into him
We gonna run into him and am l stuck him in his eyes
And you can keeping talking
You keep talking am gonna stuck him in his eye
Am find you someone when you call he looks like a tool