YGS 15: The Rap lyrics
by Roomie
[Verse 1]
I am the milk man, my mild is delicious
These white guys need to gone somewhere b*tches
Toby should do an all raping video
2 dislikes? Nice try, Grath Thet Auto
I get ragging boners, learn engelish b*tch
I don't understand why he's no f*ck, she is facking pich
Such a retarded when pointing the bike
You are a nub, I am awalys right
You're a dillhole, and obviously still living with your mom and dad like me (Like me)
Go with Christ bra
I lobe your insides
Air-soft so stupid, you can like lose eyes
They should be baned everywhere
We came, we saw, we concurred
[Verse 2]
Why I didn't born to enjoy the eighties?
Catwoman is Allie in the game, go save she
Wow, once dis guy sucked crap and crappiest but now he's sucks sucks crap (crap)
Dreams becomes to nightmare, love the part or I love all part
My ears heart, why do does this get top rated?
I listen the song but I never know the name of it
Don't dislike just to be a trool
Your mums a while fool
If you dis-licked this video I dis-lick you!
And the one person that dislike this video is screw!
You guys are creepers, you cat is so cleaver
I love Selena Nut I don't like Justin Bieber
The biggest message whoa God us ever be send
Megan is most hotter than her, no offend
Thumps up!
Tums up!
Why are everyone dying
I have goss bumps
Thumbs up and copy n' paste every
This is the best song every