YGS 25: The Rap lyrics
by Roomie
[Verse 1]
I bet people are wishing he pulled his trousers father down
Who wagged this again
Nevet back down
Patetic game, patetic grafic
Ho my godness
What did just happend
Nuber 17 truned me on
Can you a happy cheerful songs
I feel depress, my boyfriend and I broke up
Oh my God I'm dying to buy yur albub
Nice is a awesome
You’ve got to be kitten me
Take it off spar us the aganee
This is a okay bad movie that is okay bad
Asome how he she that
Making out, now makes to babies
Is da back sound mman, I'm not a navy
Women are hatters
Please don't be racialist
I’m gonna shirt bricks, I'm that exited
I unlik her
Sham on you
Yo moma so stupid she doesn't now 2 pulse 2
Go ahead it makes yous feels intailegiant
You can see this movie only if you have veghina
Hate it when you tell a chick tht she is pretty
And she doesn't even egnolidge it
Like they already know they're pretty
Some girls are just full of the selphs and I don't like it
I cried looking this video, just emocionant
I know that you were ignorant but that ignorant
Man dis chik ain't aftiaf to say wat she wanna say
Dos not work is gay
Thumbs up if you lisent this because dont is vevo
Why am I keep replay this video
I love this version brodway good this is better
Bether tham Beatles... much bether
I member I was in a farm nd it was private propety
So I ran the guy said yu little fukers wait for the cops so I run my homie
Goes the other way I jump into someones bakyard dogs chase me
I kik it and the cops came nd they said waht yu doin i said just wakin home
Hey haters, don't be jelly a pretty and nice girl like justine are better than you
Just letting you know, I m suprised ur parents didn’t banned you from watching ijustiine cuz your so ugly
[Verse 2]
Screw the vagine, I have vagine
Why you don’t beauty thinks I mean
Thats you channel about right
The movie does never understand the song write
Oh me god the bolt of berds
U get outta her
You piece of j*rk
All of you are know life
Oh my God I just can't stop cry
Lol wtf and r u still the
Gird big dancing jajaja
Humans were aps once
Guys it was just a though
Ok, but takes his coat can get old
Thumbs up and copy+ paste in every
This is the best song every