A fragile creation
You are a start of an idea
You are the end of someone's rule
The end of someone's rule
You are the new discovered virus
Make us stronger
We don't need your poisoned guidance
Maker save your breath
Dot the i's, you are the token of new order
A newly started life or yet another death
The deserts once a blazing fire
Now have a colder border
The rivers that were giving life
Are gonna take it back
Cold ocean is so close
It's washing the dead shores
The eternal stones
We're our own death row
You are the new discovered virus
Make us stronger
We don't need your poisoned guidance
Maker save your breath
Dot the i's, you are the token of new order
A newly started life or yet another death
A fragile being has shattered the balance
It's a new start that
Will bring a new end
Alive masterpieces burn down their creators
The worlds are the castles
That were made of sand