Singing My Hate Comments lyrics
by James Charles
I’m not your sister L O L
Is james a j*rk, or something else?
His nostrils are huge (true)
James you’re rude
Don’t take this as a bad thing but are you a boy? i’m so confused
You are so ugly
You make my ears bleed
God said adam and eve, not adam and steve
This makes you look fat
We love the voice cracks
You are a copy cat
He speaks too fast
There’s so much hate
But i’m feeling great
There’s so much hate
But i’m feeling fine
You’re just a blank account being mean online
There’s so much hate
No ohhh
Where are his parents?
My mom bought me my first makeup
Then built my studio
And helped me photograph my looks
Your dad must be proud
He is i swear
He brags to all his friends, his little
Boy’s a millionaire
Please kill yourself
I hope you die
You are worthless
Your career was built on a lie
All these comments
Your job is so easy
Take it for a day, i swear you’ll cry yourself to sleep
There’s so much hate
Gotta fake a smile
Just try and ignore it
It will be worth the while
There’s so much hate
I guess i’m fine
I’d rather it be me than you
As a punching bag online
There’s so much hate
Ohhh no
You are so beautiful
So creative, smart and sweet
My heart is so full
You mean the world to me
You always slay
Your makeup blows me away
I love you with all my heart
You help me get through the day
There’s so much love
That helps me cope
Seeing positivity
It gives me hope
There’s so much love
Can't say thank you enough
I look to you all
When times get rough
There’s so much love
There’s so much love
All of these comments
I can finally say that i’m happy
You guys have saved my life
And i’ll be grateful endlessly