It Might Be the End of the World (As We Know It) lyrics
by CollegeHumor
Oh great, the flu will soon mutate
Climate change and Y2K
Remain calm, don't be afraid
Too many human beings out of water on earth
National IDs are the mark of the beast
Saw a link to a thing
What, no God?
The rapture is now here and we're right this time!
Sun loses fire, Earth just bursting into flames
Evil scientists for hire, hiding in plain sight
AI's getting smarter in a hurry you should worry
It'll enslave us
Blog by blog the bloggers baffled crapped their pants
Look at that low plane
We're done
Big hole
Huge dеpletion
It's too late to save oursеlves
Save the earth
Cell phones
Destroyed bees
Now the plants can't breed
At least you can't get anthrax from someone coughing, right?
Wikipedia says that it's a powder and quite white (Right?)
Pretty sure that's right
Could be the end of the world as we know it
Might be the end of the world as we know it
Could be the end of the world as we know it
On channel 9
SUVs, peak oil, diseases caught on foreign soil
Bird flu, swine flu
Collided into Nibiru
Gay people marrying, teaching, adopting made all our kids turn gay
Bringing upon Judgement Day
Terrorists are terrorizing
Calm down, calm down!
All the launched nukes nuked
Uh-oh, the end is here, have no fear
Let's have a last beer
The prophecies, prophecies, the prophecies are right
9,7 earthquake, large hadron collider
The end's in sight!
Could be the end of the world as we know it
Might be the end of the world as we know it
Could be the end of the world as we know it
On channel 9
The polar caps began to melt
Destroying all the ocean shelves
It's freezing over in Hell
Two thousand twelve!
A crazy hobo ranting bible cod and Heaven's Gate
Antichrist, small pox, dirty bombs, SARS!
Wait a second... Experts saying nevermind
Right? ...Right
Could be the end of the world as we know it
(I just read it on a blog)
Might be the end of the world as we know it
(I just saw a link on Digg)
Could be the end of the world as we know it
(Twitter said it, so it's right)
Tonight at 9