Over them hills - Dolly Parton + Kenny Rogers lyrics
by CollegeHumor
(Verse Dolly Parton Kenny Rogers Both)
When i decided to visit my mother it takes a while to get over there
She lives so far and gas is so high but i have a destination that's fair
We really wish that she would move closer but she wants to be close to her friends
We keep telling her, mama soon all your friends'll be dead
Your friends'll be over them hills
(Chorus Dolly Parton Kenny Rogers Both)
Your friends'll be ovеr them hills
She wants to stay therе still
Though her friends'll be Over them hills
(Verse 2 Dolly Parton Kenny Rogers Both)
Mama just move closer
It's hard on the family when you're away
You keep complaining that you never see your grandchildren but honestly who's to blame?
You're over the hill
(Chorus Dolly Parton Kenny Rogers Both)
You're over the hill
You're over the hill
You're aging your destination are over the hills