Listen To Him lyrics
by Acappella
Peter went with James and John
Jesus led them to a mountain
A voice from heaven said
A voice from heaven said to them
"Listen to Him"
You gotta listen to Him
Listen to Him
His shining face like the sun
His shining face shone to everyone
His clothes became as white
His clothes became as white as light
Listen to Him
You gotta listen to Him (listen to Him)
You gotta listen to Him (listen to Him)
Moses and Elijah talking there with Jesus
A cloud enveloped them
Terrified, the disciples face down to the ground
Looked up and the only one they found was Jesus
Glorified, Glorified
This is My Son whom I love
This is My Son whom I love
With Him I am well pleased
With Him I am well pleased
Listen to Him
You better listen to Him (listen to Him)
Wo listen to Him (listen to Him)
Listen, listen, listen because:
This is My Son whom I love
This is My Son whom I love
With Him I am well pleased
With Him I am well pleased
Listen to Him
Listen to Him (repeated with interjections and fade)
Scriptural Reference:
"Then a cloud appeared and enveloped them, and a voice came from the cloud: 'This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to Him!' Suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus." Mark 9:7-8