The Jealous One lyrics
by Omri
[Verse 1: Shai Linne]
Ok, let's begin- let your mind roam
Our scene takes place inside of a home
The husband has just walked up the staircase
He glares into space with despair on his face
His soul is on fire, inside there's a war
That can't be denied, He stands outside the door
On the other side, His bride and her lover
Oblivious to the fact their lie has been discovered
So as they embrace and try to make haste
They have no idea what's about to take place
Gun in hand, he longs to understand
What would lead his wife into the arms of another man?
He thinks back to the day they made their vows
Before God, before the minister and the crowds
Exchange of the rings, the joy of the reception
Now a tainted memory destroyed by deception
He had been faithful to her
Now the fire of his desire got him ready to do something hateful to her
He never thought his wife would be just a faker
And that her lust would make her a covenant breaker
The promise of fidelity they made was glorious
But now His jealousy has made him furious
And they can't see the danger
No screams or pleas they make could ever ease the pain or appease his anger
He kicks open the door- they jump out of the bed
"Don't move!" is all he said, gun pointed at his head
The screams of his wife as she clutches the covers close
Her lover spoke to plead for his life
The husband says to the guy- "Look me in my eye
My face will be the last thing you see before you die"
The husband cried inside- his love was bona fide
Trouble for the bride- double homicide
[Chorus: J.R.]
How quickly we are to break the vows we made
As our unbelief leads our hearts astray
How long before He turns His face away?
We belong to the Jealous One
We belong to the Jealous One
Whose blood bought us back, whose victory won
Our worship and praise to Him belong
The Jealous One
[Verse 2: Shai Linne]
The God of the Bible who invites our trust
Must be understood to be nothing like us
Most of the time, human jealousy will hurt you
But when it comes to God, His jealousy is a virtue
One of His awesome perfections surely
Thunders His law and protects His glory
He gave us the gift of the marriage relationship
To acquaint us with a faint taste of this
A wife for her husband or husband for wife
The only time jealousy is right in this life
But just as the distance is great between earth and stars
God's thoughts are much higher than ours
So His jealousy is on a whole other level
Unintelligible to the soul of a rebel
But in sacred Scripture, God paints the picture
The aim: to shake your frame- it straight convicts ya
And that's what it should do
God's jealousy is frightful, yet it's delightful and good, too
I couldn't think of much worse if I tried
Than a dude who smirks if you flirt with His bride
So tell me, what kind of God would He be
If He wasn't bothered to see idolatry?
Is God just supposed to laugh and withhold His wrath
When He's replaced by a golden calf?
You say, I don't worship a golden calf!
Well for us, it's self and sex and loads of cash
Atrocious paths, we still don't know the half
Of how these things provoke His holy wrath
So we stand in awe and wonder how come
God took His jealous anger out on His Son
So all those trust Him can see like we're supposed to see
And be forgiven of our spiritual adultery!
[Chorus: J.R.]