Freedom lyrics
by Allan Kingdom
I see so many on some valley waiting for some actions
Tactics lashing in on mansions
Where is your freedom
I promise it to you
The least piece from a black
Descent from the heavens above
Where in the flesh of the human of happiness
Of music of face to face
And abusing what is best for the music
Or what they gong to spread the word
You stupid let's not pretend of our freedom
I probably conceived it
I promise to send in my application
When vacation wasn’t needed
So how you missed it
How your keep your distance from a vision
That comes to a mission to listen
Where is your freedom
I promise i seen it
Too tough to believe in my Jesus
Seeing is believing so where is my freedom
Just in the name of acting
The light is my salvation and multiple
So we took up what we knew
It's nothing new for the say of the obnoxious
With those the options of no swift that can
Than can't keep for enemies
That sees the salaries and so much green is more energy
That shall be the proof of eternity to be a prophecy
And not a prophet see
A prophet once told me that love was worth more than money
And who am i to pay the calls of minds
To proclaim what is mine or to divide
Where is your freedom? I promised I saved it
I promise I sent in my application when the vacation wasn’t needed
So how you missed it and I profit from festivity