{Intro Bridge}
Wasting hours in bed
all day long in my head
falling deep, so deep I am fading, i’m gone
will i ever come back again?
well fend em off, kill em off, send em off… (Until I)
write a song, sing along, demons gone…(Until I)
fend em off, kill em off, send em off… (Until I)
make that song, jump along, demons gone…(Until I)
everybody wants to be someone
somewhere, someday, sometime, (Until I!)
everybody wants to be somewhere
someday, somebody, sometime, (Until I!)
End their dreams with a twelve gage shotty
haven’t been known for violence
yet this desperate soul was rowdy
i was drowning by my lonesome
counting naps as tombstones
crying like a shaken soul that barely knew he had one
looking in the mirror i was numb dawg
couldn’t make out my magic i was dumb off
hiding it from thousands upon thousands
people that i’d walk past
masking it like i was Jim Carey my depressed ass
you know what the worst part of waking up is?
delirious fogs, heart beating anxious
you know what the scariest feeling might be?
remembering that sh*t wasn’t always like this
crawling back to happiness
i wonder what the room cap is?
i wonder if these angels from the books will come and snatch the kid
i casually used to ponder all the damages
remembering that i’m the only person with the bandages like....
Let it all fall let the dust settle
when you’re far off keep the vibe special
you must not let the demons take a hold
upon you dawg.
let it all fall let the dust settle
when you’re far off keep the vibe special
you must not let the demons take a hold
upon you dawg. (x2)
{End Bridge}
Wasting hours in bed
all day long in my head
falling deep so deep i’m fading i’m gone
will i ever come back again?
well fend em off, kill em off, send em off… (Until I)
write a song, sing a long, demons gone…(Until I)
fend em off, kill em off, send em off… (Until I)
make that song, jump along, demons gone…(Until I)