The Overmining (Script) lyrics


Stephanie Beatriz

Jake Parolta approaches his desk and, putting his bag down, turns to talk to Charles Boyle who is sitting at his own desk. Various police officers are walking around in the background.

JAKE: Hey there, Boyle. How was your weekend?

CHARLES: Well, actually I got a little sick.

JAKE: Oh, really? I'm sorry to hear that, man.

CHARLES: Yeah, "Bullets over Broadway" was on TV. And I came down with a big ol' Dianne Wiest infection.

Jake and Charles both stare at each other as Charles tries to keep a straight face before bursting out.

CHARLES: Like "yeast".


Captain Raymond Holt and Jake are discussing an operation in the briefing room.

HOLT: So I'll coordinate with the transit cops while you follow up with the DA's off-

Camera pans to Captain Jason Stentley (C.J.) who is underneath a table on his hands and knees.

HOLT: Uh, can I help you, Captain Stentley?

C.J.: Oh, hey, uh, did you guys see a black backpack sitting around anywhere?

C.J.stands up

HOLT: I did not.


C.J.: Aw, shoot, this is turning out to be a real cluster-biff.

JAKE: Why? What's in the backpack?
C.J.: Uh, just some evidence. Do you guys know a drug dealer named Flaco?

HOLT: Oh, yeah, he's a big-time supplier, consolidated half the territory in Brooklyn.

C.J.: Well, the bag belongs to one of his runners, and it contains, like, a football's worth of cocaine - I'm not good with sizes - and a cell phone.

C.J.gestures with his hands the approximate size of a football.

JAKE: And you think that the cell phone might have Intel that could lead us to Flaco.

C.J.: I do now. That's a great theory! Whoa. But the bag is missing, so- Hey, how big of a deal is it if I, um, if I never find it?

JAKE: I'd say it's a very-

C.J. interrupts Jake, pointing at him.

C.J.: Ah-uh-uh-uh. Sugarcoat it for me.

JAKE: Okay, um, no biggie.

C.J. sighs in relief.

C.J.: Ah, that is great news. Thank you so much. Hey, if you see something, say something.

C.J.turns to leave but stops and turns back.
C.J.: Oh, that is catchy, huh? It's like, I just made up a hit song.

JAKE: Nope, very common police expression.

C.J.dances out of the room, clicking his fingers to an imaginary beat, singing his own made-up song.

C.J.: If you see somethin', say somethin', come on and party tonight.

C.J.turns back towards them, making a laser firing noise as he makes finger guns in their direction.

Jake pretends to laugh before turning towards Holt, suddenly serious.

JAKE: This is our chance. If C.J. can't find that evidence, he could be fired. This could be our way back onto the day shift.

Jake then sings C.J.'s song, imitating him.

JAKE: Come on and party tonight. Wow! It's actually a really catchy song.

HOLT: There's nothing to celebrate. Captain Stentley is going to find that evidence because we're gonna help him.

JAKE: What? No, this is our chance to undermine him. Come on and party tonight.

HOLT: Peralta, we're police officers. We have a duty to protect this city. We took an oath, a sacred oath. What if those drugs end up on the street or a dangerous criminal is set free because of missing evidence?

Jake sighs.

JAKE: Okay, you know, you're trying to say it's whatever because you just...

Jake trails off, murmuring indistinct words.

HOLT: You're fumfering.

JAKE: Of course I'm fumfering. Fine, we'll find the bag. Come on and party tonight. Damn it.

Sergeant Terry Jeffords addresses the precinct. We see Amy Santiago laminating some doc*ment, Gina Linetti on her phone at her desk.

TERRY: Hey, guys, department has a new green initiative. We have to reduce energy usage by 15%. That means no more laminating, Santiago.

AMY: Oh, that's fine. It's not the thing that gives me the most pleasure in life. Interacting with other people, that's what gets me going.

Terry turns towards Norm Scully and Michael Hitchc*ck. Scully has a chocolate fountain on his desk with a plate of strawberries beneath it.

TERRY: Scully, Hitchc*ck, lose the chocolate fountain.

SCULLY: What are we supposed to dip our strawberries in? Our nacho cheese fountain? That's crazy.

The camera pans to reveal a cheese fountain next to the chocolate fountain.

HITCHc*ck: Unless.

Scully passes Hitchc*ck a strawberry and he proceeds to dip it in the cheese fountain and eat it.

HITCHc*ck: Sarge, you beautiful bast*rd.

TERRY: Get rid of 'em.

Terry turns around to face Gina.

TERRY: And, Gina, you can't run that space heater 24/7 anymore.

GINA: Space heater? Excuse me, this is a Fornax Radiant Comfort System, and her name is Jacinta.

Gina picks up a heater from behind her desk and places it on top.

TERRY: Okay, well, Jacinta's gotta go.

Gina leans towards the heater, whispering.

GINA: He didn't mean that, darling.

TERRY: Seriously, turn off the space heater.


TERRY: Do it, now. That's an order.

GINA: Yeah, well, you don't wanna start a battle of the wills with Gina Linetti because you will emerge from that battle a broken man. Not to brag, but I was name-checked in my kindergarten teacher's suicide note.

TERRY: Oh, my God.

Jake walks into Holt's office, knocking on the door as he enters. Raymond is sitting at his desk using a laptop.

HOLT: Any luck finding the missing backpack?

JAKE: No, but I did find C.J.'s wallet, badge, and gun on top of the toilet paper dispenser. I'm assuming he doesn't know they're missing.


JAKE: Why are you helping this guy, sir? He's the opposite of everything you stand for. His favorite expression is "that's gonna leave a mark." And he doesn't even use it right.

C.J. is eating soup at a table and leans back.

C.J.: Whoo, that soup is good.

C.J. turns towards Jake who is standing to the side.

C.J.: That's gonna leave a mark.

Camera pans to Jake who looks confused.

JAKE: What?


HOLT: Well, he's not our best, but I won't be part of any sneaky subterfuge designed to undermine him.

JAKE: You think you're so great just 'cause you always do what's good and right. Well, I've got news for you:

Jake points at Holt.

JAKE: Ya boring.

HOLT: You know who else was called "boring"? Andreas Marggraf. And you know what he did?

JAKE: He discovered zinc, because you've used that one on me before because, uh, ya boring.

HOLT: Well, if I'm so boring, how come I have a lead? Come take a look at this.

Jake walks around Holt's desk to see his laptop where they view the security cameras from his office room.

HOLT: This is security footage from the day the backpack went missing. 11:00 a.m., the bag's over a chair. Now let's fast forward and see what happened to it.

JAKE: Wait, that was two hours? Where's C.J. during all this?

Holt switches to the security camera for the break room, we see C.J. sitting on the back of a sofa with an acoustic guitar and other police officers around him. He is singing his own song.

C.J.: You have the right to remain silent. Come on and party tonight.

Jake joins in the singing.

JAKE: Party tonight. The guy's got good hooks. I mean, right?

Holt switches back to the office security camera and we see a shady man with his identity hidden walk in and steal the rucksack.

JAKE: Wait, who's this guy? Flaco must've sent someone to get the backpack, and they just waltzed right in and took it out of the precinct. Oh, C.J. is in so much trouble.

Holt turns towards Jake, giving a disapproving glare.

JAKE: You think that disapproving glare works on me after all the times I've seen it? Step it up, find something new.

Jake points at Holt.

JAKE: Ya boring.

Jake flicks his leg back in the air and walks out the room.

Charles walks into the room, imitating a British accent, where Rosa Diaz is sitting at the table, eating food. Charles sits down opposite her.

CHARLES: 'Ello, me lady. It's your matey lil' Charlie Boyle, innit, love?

ROSA: Ugh, it's 2:00 a.m., and we're working. How can you be so happy?

CHARLES: Because I figured out the secret of surviving the night shift. You see:

Charles slams his bare foot onto the table and begins wiggling his toes. Rosa looks confused and disgusted.

CHARLES: This little piggy went to the warehouse. This little piggy went with him. This little piggy was like-

ROSA: Stop, just stop and say whatever you are saying another way.

CHARLES: I found a 24-hour foot massage parlor, and it's amazing.
It's the best experience you've ever had. You're just like:

Charles is sitting in a recliner chair and is having his feet massaged.



Charles has his eyes closed.


Rosa squirts water from a bottle in his face.

CHARLES: Ahh, wha?

ROSA: Wouldn't stop making that noise, man.

CHARLES: Let me take you, let me show you the greatest and only pleasure of the night shift.

ROSA: Pass, I'd rather die than have a stranger touch my bare feet.

CHARLES: I'm telling you, once they get get their strong fingers in your toe gaps, it's just mmm-

Rosa throws the bottle of water at his face again.

CHARLES: Uh, that's on me, shouldn't have had my eyes closed.

C.J is sitting with his head on the table, sighing aloud. Jake walks in and puts his mug on the counter.

JAKE: Hey, C.J., you upset about something, man? Maybe something in your career?

C.J.: Yeah, I told the brass that I lost the bag and I screwed up the whole Flaco case, and you were wrong, it was a biggie.

JAKE: Yeah, well, you told me to sugarcoat it.

C.J.: And whose fault it that, Jake?

JAKE: Yours.

C.J.: I know.

C.J puts his head back down.

JAKE: Okay, so what happened? I mean, they couldn't have fired you, right? That'd be crazy. I mean, they could, for sure, they had every reason to, but did they? Did they fire you?

C.J.: Worse. They're pulling my transfer.

JAKE: What transfer, what now?

Jake sits down at the table with C.J.

C.J.: Oh, I've just been feeling overwhelmed with this job, and I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm a little in over my head.

JAKE: Completely unqualified, yeah.

C.J.: It is so cool that you get me.

JAKE: Yeah.

C.J.: Anyway, I heard that they were hiring a head administrator at the Police Academy, so I put in for it.

JAKE: Wait, you wanna train other officers?

C.J.: Well, the nine years at the academy were some of the best years of my life.

JAKE: That's a six-month program.

C.J.: Sure, for a lot of people. Anyway, they said that the job was mine, and now they're p*ssed, so it looks like I'm stuck here forever.

C.J. lays his head down again and Jake looks around frantically.

JAKE: No, no, no, no, no, no. All is not lost. We can still fix this. So, sure, maybe you can't get back the backpack, but you could do something even better.

Jake snaps his fingers.

JAKE: Like, what if you single-handedly figure out who Flaco is and then you take him down.

C.J.: Oh, come on, Jake. I'll just screw it up like I screw up everything else.

JAKE: No, you won't, because I will be there to help you, but don't worry, you'll still get all the credit. Listen to me, C.J., we're gonna get you the hell out of here.

C.J. sits back up in his chair.

C.J.: Are you sugarcoating this for me?

JAKE: I most certainly am not.

C.J.: Whoo, that's gonna leave a mark.

JAKE: Ahh.

Jake is standing in front of Holt's desk as Holt sits behind it, chewing on his glasses.

JAKE: So, Captain, I've been thinking about this whole missing backpack thing, and, what if we find Flaco and take him down?

HOLT: Oh, are you trying to solve C.J.'s case behind his back to embarrass him?

JAKE: No, not at all. In fact, I think C.J. should come along. I just realized how important my duty as a police officer is to me, you know? The sacred oath I took. Your speech really inspired me.

HOLT: Well, it was one of my better ones. Felt really good as I was saying it.

JAKE: Yeah.

HOLT: So what's the plan, son?

Holt leans forward in anticipation and Jake sits down opposite.

JAKE: Well, Dad, we don't know where Flaco is, but I have a C.I. who says he's got an agreement with Marco Severino.

HOLT: So you think we should pose as drug dealers looking for a new heroin supplier and get Severino to hook us up with Flaco. And you think C.J. can handle this mission?

JAKE: I know he's inexperienced, but he's a creative guy. I think he'd be great undercover.

C.J. is wearing a bandanna and sunglasses, imitating a Mexican accent.

C.J.: Okay, muchachos, let's roll up on these muchachos.

JAKE: Great start, and I love your double use of "muchachos."

C.J. takes off the sunglasses, giggling.

C.J.: Hey, it's C.J., by the way.

Amy is using a laminating machine. Terry is watching through the window.

AMY: Oooh, that's a nice lam' job. This one goes on the blog.

Amy snaps a photo of the laminated paper and Terry walks in, clearing his throat. Amy turns around startled.

AMY: Hey, Sarge, what up, bro?

TERRY: "What up, bro?" You're laminating in here, aren't you?

AMY: I'm sorry. I just love it so much.

TERRY: It's okay, I'm used to it. No one listens to me. I'm a lousy sergeant.

AMY: What? No, don't say that. Why would you say that?

TERRY: If I tell you something, you promise not to tell anyone else?

AMY: Of course.

TERRY: You know how I took the lieutenant's exam last week?

AMY: Uh-huh.

TERRY: I just found out I didn't pass.

AMY: Oh, no, but you shouldn't feel bad, only like 10% of people pass on the first try.

TERRY: I know, and I'm all exhausted because of the night shift, plus my bathroom break during the test took a little longer than anticipated.

Terry is sitting at a table among other people taking the exam. Terry's hand is raised.

TERRY: May I use the restroom, please?

The exam invigilator nods. Terry stands up but his desk gets stuck around his waist.

TERRY: Uh-oh, nothing to see here.

Terry attempts to walk out, banging into others around him.

TERRY: Excuse me, I'm sorry. Little desk.


AMY: That's why they say "it's test time, so diaper up."

Terry looks at Amy, confused.

AMY: They say that, I've never said that. I've never worn a diaper during test. Who would wear a diaper during a test? That's ridiculous, I mean-

TERRY: Santiago.

AMY: Sorry. Look, don't give up on the green initiative. You're a great sergeant. You'll get everyone on board.

TERRY: Not Gina.

AMY: Yes, Gina. You can handle her. You can do this. Sarge, it's test time.

Terry nods.

TERRY: Diaper up.

Charles is driving his car with Rosa in the passenger seat.

CHARLES: Thank you for coming along with me on this manhunt. I needed your help.

ROSA: No problem, who are we looking for?

CHARLES He's a one-armed smuggler from the dunes of Tunisia. He goes by the name of Señor Riff Raff.

ROSA: You're taking me to that foot massage place.

CHARLES: I am taking you to the foot massage place. I made that whole thing up.

ROSA: Shocking.

CHARLES: Look, the night shift hasn't been easy on any of us. Let me make it slightly better by paying a strong-handed woman to literally milk the stress from your feet.

ROSA: Just shut up, I'll do it once.


ROSA: As long as you promise to never ever talk about foot milk again.

CHARLES: Deal, you're gonna love it.

ROSA: I guarantee you, I won't.

Charles and Rosa are sitting in recliner chairs next to each other receiving foot massages.

BOTH: Mmm.

Jake, Holt and C.J. are sitting inside a police van outside of Severino's restaurant. They are all in disguise.

JAKE: All right, that's Severino's restaurant. My C.I. says he's in there.

C.J.: Whoo, I'm pumped. I'm ready. Um, just out of curiosity, how-how scared are you guys?

JAKE: Not at all. How about you?

C.J.: I'm terrified, but, you know, I just keep telling myself, worst comes to worst, just start shooting things, you know?

HOLT: I think it might be better if you stayed in the van.

C.J.: Wait, are you trying to sideline me?

HOLT: Yes.

C.J.: Oh, thank God.

C.J. laughs in relief.

JAKE: But just because you're in the van doesn't mean you're not an important part of the mission. Your job will be to keep an eye on the restaurant. And, if anybody suspicious walks in, you just-

C.J.: Run everybody over with the van and then back up if they're still moving.

JAKE: Don't try and guess where I'm going with it.

C.J. nods.

JAKE: You keep an eye on the door. If anyone suspicious walks in, let us know in our ear pieces.

C.J.: Oh, I could do that, absolutely. You know, actually I saw those ear pieces on "Ellen".

Holt puts his face in his palms.

C.J.: One time, Justin Bieber was on, and he was supposed to be, like, a security guard, only-

JAKE: C.J., I'm loving the story, but we gotta go in.

C.J.: I'll finish later.

Holt and Jake stand up, opening the van door.


Amy is hand-laminating at her desk and Terry walks up to her.

TERRY: Thanks for hand-laminating, Santiago.

AMY: Of course, if you ask me, saving energy is trending.

Amy speaks louder and turns behind to Gina's desk, attempting to get her attention.

AMY: Oh, Gina, didn't see you there.

TERRY: Gina, did you shut off your space heater yet?

GINA: Space heater... Doesn't ring any bells.

TERRY: Jacinta.

GINA: Oh, no, she's still going strong.

TERRY: I will take that thing away from you by force, if necessary.

GINA: Well, come and get it.

Gina stands up, pushing her chair away. She is wearing a large, black Victorian dress with cords coming out from underneath.

TERRY: Seriously? The heater's under your skirt?

GINA: Maybe. You can't prove that.

TERRY: Yeah, I can. There's a cord running under it, and I think you may be on fire.

The camera pans to show smoke emerging from Gina's dress.

GINA: Mm, so?

TERRY: What do you mean "so"?

GINA: I'm not giving up Jacinta.

TERRY: You are on fire, Gina. You do not have the upper hand in this situation.

Amy runs towards the fire extinguisher.

GINA: I always have the upper hand.

Terry stops Amy.

TERRY: Not when there's flames shooting out of your butt!

GINA: Especially when there's flames shooting out of my butt.

Terry puts down his folder and crosses his arms, followed by Gina crossing her arms. The smoke alarm starts beeping and they both stare at each other. Terry gets worried but Gina keeps a straight face.

TERRY: Damn it.

Terry grabs the fire extinguisher and puts the dress out as Gina smiles triumphantly.

TERRY: How the hell did I lose that one?

Jake and Holt walk towards Severino, who is sitting at a table.

JAKE: Hey, you Severino?

SEVERINO: Who wants to know?

JAKE (CAL): I'm Cal, this is Billy. We used to buy from Rosario, but he got busted by the feds, and we're looking for a new hookup.

C.J. is sitting at the wheel of the van looking out the window for anything suspicious. We see pedestrians walking past as C.J. notes their appearances.

C.J.: Guys, we got company. There's a lady with a dog, and a man with a ponytail. Another lady with a dog, two dogs back to back, guys.

INTERCUT with Severino's Restaurant
C.J. continues to talk, Holt and Jake try to ignore him.

C.J. (V.O.): Is that fishy?

SEVERINO: I knew Rosario.

C.J. (V.O.): Seems fishy to me

SEVERINO (cont'd): So how's come

C.J. (V.O.): There's a lot of dogs out

SEVERINO (cont'd): I never heard of you?

JAKE (CAL): Well, you can ask Rosario's guys about us.

C.J. (V.O.): They're right on top of each other.

INTERCUT with Police Van

C.J.: If you think it's weird, just cough once for yes, twice for no.

INTERCUT with Severino's Restaurant

HOLT (BILLY): I didn't come here to be accused of something.
We can buy from somebody else.

C.J. (V.O.): Jake, I need an answer, why is nobody coughing?

Holt and Jake start to walk away pretending to not interested. C.J. continues to talk.

SEVERINO: Hold up, I got a right to know who I might be in business with.

INTERCUT with Police Van
C.J. is concerned and still wants an answer.

C.J.: I need an answer on the dog thing, is it weird?

INTERCUT with Severino's Restaurant

C.J. (V.O.): Can somebody cough?

Jake, annoyed, coughs twice. Severino looks confused.

C.J. (V.O.): Whose cough was that?

The screen splits, on the left is C.J. in the van, on the right is Jake in the restaurant.

C.J. (V.O.): Was that you, Jake? If it was you, cough twice, if it was somebody else, cough three times.

Jake coughs twice. Split screen ends. Severino raises an eyebrow.

JAKE (CAL): Sorry, bad allergy day, pollen count is off the charts.

C.J. (V.O.): Pollen count.

INTERCUT with Police Van
C.J. is laughing at what Jake says.

C.J.: Oh, man, how do you come up with that stuff?

INTERCUT with Severino's Restaurant
C.J. continues to talk as Holt and Jake attempt to ignore it.

SEVERINO: So what's your territory?

C.J. (V.O.): But that's why you guys are in there, and I'm out here.

JAKE (CAL): We don't sell on the streets. We have loyal buyers that come to us.

C.J. (V.O.): On the mic, you know.

HOLT (BILLY): And we need quality product, our customers are discerning.

C.J. (V.O.): Check one, check two, check.

INTERCUT with Police Van

C.J.: Check, DJ C.J. on the mic.

INTERCUT with Severino's Restaurant

SEVERINO: I got a guy that could get you the best dope in the city.

C.J. (V.O.): You know, I actually did DJ my sister's wedding.

SEVERINO: But it ain't gonna be cheap.

C.J. (V.O.): It did not turn out well.

Jake is looking very irritated with C.J.

INTERCUT with Police Van

C.J.: Apparently, there's such a thing as too much Smash Mouth.

INTERCUT with Severino's Restaurant
The screen splits, on the left is C.J. in the van, on the right is Jake in the restaurant. C.J. starts talking even more and Jake is struggling to talk.

JAKE (CAL): I'm sorry, you think we wanna deal with complete strangers?

C.J. (V.O.): God, sometimes I look at my sister, and I'm like

JAKE (CAL): I mean, we gotta cover our own asses.

C.J. (V.O.): She's got two kids, beautiful house, and I'm like

JAKE (CAL): How do we know this guy's even legit?

C.J. (V.O.): C.J., what have you done with your life?

Jake and Holt shout into their earpieces.

JAKE: Shut up!

HOLT: Stop talking!

INTERCUT with Police Van

C.J.: Ahh!

JAKE (V.O.): Shut up, now!

INTERCUT with Severino's Restaurant

HOLT: Oh, my God.

JAKE: Shut up, C.J.

SEVERINO: Oh, whoa, whoa, what are you, cops?

JAKE: Yes, obviously we're cops. Put your hands up.

Jake pulls out a gun and points it at Severino.

C.J. (V.O.): Whoa

INTERCUT with Police Van

C.J.: Who said we were cops? We haven't gotten any information we needed yet.

INTERCUT with Severino's Restaurant

C.J. (V.O.): Jake, you're blowing it, man.

HOLT: Stop talking!

Holt and Jake are standing behind the one-way mirror and we can see Severino handcuffed in the interrogation room.

HOLT: Crime scene investigators combed every inch of Severino's restaurant, no drugs.

JAKE: Well, we can't hold him much longer, and he's not talking. The interrogation did not exactly go well.

Jake and C.J. are sitting opposite Severino. C.J. is leaning back in his chair.

JAKE:You're gonna tell us who Flaco is, and you're gonna tell us right now-

C.J. falls back and yells. Jake glares at C.J.

JASON: Oh, that was crazy.


HOLT: Well, there's one bit of good news. The last call on Severino's phone was to a contact we believe to be Flaco. We've tracked his location to a warehouse by the water. We're gonna storm the place.

JAKE: Great, I'll go get C.J.

HOLT: Why? Why are you so determined to make him a part of this?

JAKE: No reason.

HOLT: If you actually cared about your sacred oath, you'd see that he's a risk to the case.

Jake chuckles.

HOLT: Oh, my speech didn't actually inspire you, did it?

JAKE: Ugh, alright, here's the truth. If we catch Flaco, and C.J. gets credit for it, he's gonna transfer out of the Nine-Nine.

HOLT: That's what this is all about? You're still trying to undermine the man?

JAKE: What? No! The opposite, if anything. I want to see him succeed. I'm trying to overmine him.

HOLT: Oh, you know I hate it - when you make up words, Peralta.

JAKE: Are you still mad at me for saying "snaccident"?

HOLT: Yes, very.

JAKE: Please, just let him come along.


JAKE: Just so his name is on the arrest report.


JAKE: I'll put him in a car a block away.

HOLT: Fine.

Jake looks visibly happy.

HOLT: At least tell me what it was about my speech that didn't work for you.

JAKE: Oh, man, if I had to boil it down to one thing and really pinpoint it, I guess I would just say it's, uh, ya boring.

Jake points at Holt and begins to walk out the room.

JAKE: But still let him come? Great.

Gina has loads of flowers on her desk and is is watering them with a spray bottle. She has three heaters surrounding her. Terry approaches her desk and Amy turns towards them.

TERRY: What is all this?

GINA: Oh, hey, Sarge. I'm growing tropical plants now in the warmth of my three space heaters. It's getting a little hot though, wouldn't you say?

She begins to spray the water in her own face.

GINA: Ugh, oh, yeah. Probably also turn on my portable air conditioning unit.

Gina turns around and turns on an air conditioning unit.

GINA: Boop.

TERRY You're not gonna beat me, Gina. This is my last stand.

Terry walks away and Gina yells after him. Amy walks up to her desk.

GINA: My whole life is last stands.

AMY: Gina, can I talk to you for a second?

GINA: Yeah, what's up?

Amy and Gina enter as Gina closes the door behind them.

GINA: Let me guess, you and Jake are having problems; you want me to teach you how to kiss?

AMY: What? No, stop that.


AMY: I know how I kiss, I've read books. This is about Terry. You can't tell anyone else this, but-

GINA: He failed his lieutenant's exam.

AMY: How do you know that?

GINA: Let's just say my little birds are everywhere collecting whispers.

Amy looks at her, not believing what she is saying.

GINA: He left the letter on his desk, and I read it.

AMY: Okay, but if you know he's depressed, then why are you being so hard on him?

GINA: Don't worry, I got this. Just clear the lane and let Gina do her thing.

AMY: What? Ugh.

Gina leaves and closes the door behind her.

AMY: Gina? You locked me in.

GINA: Going to lunch.

Gina continues walking.

AMY: Gina, you know I'm very claustrophobic.

Text on screen reads "Flaco's Warehouse 11:32 pm". Jake, Holt and other police officers are carrying guns, ready to storm the warehouse.

HOLT: Everybody ready? Where's C.J.?

JAKE: Parked a block away on Winthrop, as promised. Don't worry, he's not going anywhere. I downloaded an app on his phone that makes your words sound like burps.

HOLT: Smart, really smart.

JAKE: Yeah.

HOLT: Here we go, on three, two, one.

They burst through the doors and enter a large warehouse where there are people packaging cocaine.

POLICE OFFICER: NYPD, on the ground.

SHADY MAN: Flaco, run!

Flaco runs away, trying to escape.

JAKE: That's Flaco.

Jake pursues him, but Flaco escapes through a door and locks it.

JAKE: It's locked, go back.

Flaco is running around the side of the warehouse with Jake following him. Flaco rounds a corner and gets hit by a car door as C.J. steps out.

C.J.: Oh, sorry.

JAKE: C.J., that's Flaco. You got him.

C.J.: Yeah!

HOLT: He's out cold, how'd you do it?

JAKE: No, no, wait. Let me guess. You opened your car door into him.

C.J.: Yep.

JAKE: He never saw it coming.

C.J.: Yep.

JAKE: And neither did you. It was a total accident; you were getting out of your car to go pee.

C.J.: No! There was a spider in the car, and I panicked.

JAKE: Damn it, how did I not guess that?

C.J.: You gotta see this spider. It's gigantic.

Charles and Rosa are in recliner chairs with their feet in water.

ROSA: Charles, this is amazing.

CHARLES: I know, when's the last time you cried like that?

ROSA: Huh? You cried?

CHARLES: Damn right, I did.

ROSA: Oh, guess we gotta get back to the Nine-Nine.

CHARLES: Let's not be hasty. Neither of us have any open cases right now, so should we tell the ladies we're ready for round two?

ROSA: Let's do it, you insatiable little minx. I'll go get 'em.


Rosa stands up and looks through a curtain to the front of the shop. She opens the curtain and there is a man counting large sums of money. Rosa heads back into the room.

ROSA: Charles, this place is a front, money laundering or something.

Charles stands up.

CHARLES: We gotta get out of here right now.

Jake and C.J. are looking a Flaco in his holding cell. Holt approaches them.

HOLT: I just got off the phone with One Police Plaza. They're thrilled. Captain Stentley, you got your transfer.

JAKE: Whoo!

C.J.: I'm not transferring.

JAKE: What, why?

C.J.: The whole reason I wanted to transfer in the first place is because I didn't feel like I could do this job, but the mission tonight, me taking down Flaco-

JAKE: More the door than you.

C.J.: It just showed me that I can do this, and now I feel like I really do belong here. So thank you, guys, for for making me believe in myself again.


C.J.: Come here.

C.J. pulls Jake and Holt into a hug.

JAKE: That's gonna leave a mark.

Jake, Holt and various police officers and reporters are sitting in an award ceremony where C.J. is being awarded for capturing Flaco.

JAKE: I can't believe this. Not only are we still stuck on the night shift, but now we have to watch C.J. get a medal. Why are there so many reporters? Even "The Times" is here.

HOLT: Wait, really? Who'd they send? Wilson, Palmer, Schneier, Levine, Rogers, Tyler, Baker, Correal, Bromwich, Robbins, Schmidt?

JAKE: Stop saying reporters' names. How do you know so many names?

HOLT: They're the only real rock stars we have left.

JAKE: Okay.

The Police Chief and C.J. are standing at the front of the room, the Police Chief walks up to the microphone.

POLICE CHIEF: Hello, we're here today to honor Captain Jason Stentley, who single-handedly brought down a major drug ring.

POLICE CHIEF: And so it is my pleasure to bestow upon him the Medal of Honor. Captain Stentley.

C.J.: Oh, bestow me, baby.

The Police Chief places a medal around C.J.'s neck, who then approaches the microphone.

C.J.: Ahh, wow, that's a lot of people. Uh Baba Booey, Cornholio.

C.J. laughs as everyone in the audience remains silent.

C.J.: That's it for my prepared remarks. Any questions?

One reporter stands up.

REPORTER 1: Will taking down one drug dealer make a big difference in the overall level of drugs moving into the city?

C.J.: No idea, next?

A second reporter stands up.

REPORTER 2: What's your philosophy for dealing with international narcotic supply chains?

C.J.: Didn't understand the question, next.

The first reporter then stands up again.

REPORTER 1: Why was Flaco targeted for this operation?

C.J.: Okay, there's a question I can answer. Well, it all started because I lost a huge bag of cocaine, so I totally biffed it, you know, but-

The police chief escorts C.J. away from the microphone.

POLICE CHIEF: Thank you, thank you, Captain.

C.J.: Oh, oh.

POLICE CHIEF: That- that is- that's plenty.

JAKE: That was a train wreck.

HOLT: Yes, he never should have been put in that position.
Whoever recommended him for the medal and called all those reporters really messed up.

Holt looks ahead and smiles.

JAKE: Wait, what are you saying?

HOLT: Oh, nothing. It just seems as if C.J. has been "overmined".

JAKE: You did this?

HOLT: I did.

JAKE: And you used my made-up word.

HOLT: I hated it, "overmined". What have I become? Was this whole thing even worth it?

JAKE: It was no snaccident.

Rosa and Charles are doing paperwork, investigating the massage parlor.

ROSA: So the foot massage place reported $7 million in profit last year. To make that much, they'd have to massage 100 feet an hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the entire year.

CHARLES: Damn it, we have to shut them down.

ROSA: Wait. Let's not be hasty about this. Let's think this through. We wanna be smart about this.

CHARLES: Right, I mean, what if we bust them tonight, and then tomorrow I'm chasing a murderer, and I'm about to get him, and my foot cramps up?

ROSA: Due to lack of massaging.

CHARLES: And then the murderer gets away.

ROSA: Know who he kills next? The mayor.

CHARLES: Oh, my God, the city has no mayor now.

ROSA: It's chaos. Rioting, looting, panic in the streets.

CHARLES: They gotta call in the National Guard, there's tanks rolling down 5th Avenue, declaring martial law.

ROSA: It's insane. All because we shut down the foot massage place.

CHARLES: That was doing God's work. What were we thinking?

ROSA: So it's agreed: we let them stay open for the sake of the city.

CHARLES: For the sake of the city.

Charles and Rosa shake hands.

ROSA: We have to do our stupid jobs, don't we?

CHARLES: Yeah, let me get my stupid gun.

Charles and Rosa enter the parlor with their guns.

ROSA: NYPD, get down on the comfortable matted floor.

CHARLES: Put your magical hands where we can see them.

ROSA: You're under arrest for ruining something perfect.

Charles whispers to Rosa.

CHARLES: And money laundering.

ROSA: Yes, money laundering, whatever.

Gina is still sitting at her desk with her plants and heaters. Terry approaches her.

TERRY: Gina, I've been thinking a lot about how you refuse to give up Jacinta.

GINA: That's right. She's never leaving.

TERRY: I know, which is why I decided to do the only fair thing. Space heaters for everyone.

GINA: So what? That sounds great.

TERRY: Everyone.

The camera pans to show Hitchc*ck shirtless in front of a heater.

HITCHc*ck: Whoo-whee, it's toasty in here.

TERRY: You're gonna be looking at that all night long. Whoop, I think he's about to eat a hoagie.

TERRY: Is that mayonnaise or sweat?

GINA: Ugh, fine, I give up. You can take Jacinta.

TERRY: Really? And the other two space heaters, too?

GINA: All of them, you win.

TERRY: I win? I won.

Terry turns towards Amy.

TERRY: Amy, I won!

AMY: You did it, Sarge. You're gonna get our power usage down.

TERRY: I don't care about that crap. I took down Gina Linetti. I did the impossible. Terry is back on top. Diaper up! What!

Jake and Holt enter from the elevator and the other turn towards them.

JAKE: Ladies and gentlemen, Captain Jason Stentley has been transferred from active duty effective immediately. Captain Raymond Holt will be taking his place, and, yes, he's taking all of us with him.

AMY: You mean-

JAKE: Yes, Amy. We're back on the day shift!

TERRY: Nine-Nine!

ALL: Nine-Nine!

Jake starts singing.

JAKE: Come on and party tonight!
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