Introduction To Midgar lyrics
by death’s dynamic shroud
Okay, so basically chapter one opens, uh, with, there's like a shot of the desert that surrounds Midgar, and, uh, like a... bird flies down, it's kinda following the bird, credits start rolling or whatever
Uh, it flies into the clouds, the clouds kinda dissipate into a sort of a smoke thing, and you see the cityscape of Midgar, and it's really sick looking and, uh, super future
And then it kinda zooms in to show the city life, and uh, and then we see kids on bicycles, and then there's like a guy operating this claw machine thing picking up some big heavy stuff, and uh...
Then it, umm... kinda goes down to the... gеt down the street, shows like uh, the music sorta changеs to be a little bit sadder, and shows a little flower dying and the grass is all sorta... grayish, or brownish or whatever, everything's kinda dying
And, uh... then it shows, uh, some kids playing in a playground, and, uh, inexplicably, they stop playing, and this little girl stares at one of the Mako Reactors, shoots some Mako up into the sky
And then, it kind of... it shows like the little sparkles of the lifestream of the, in the Mako, umm... and it sort of looks kind of like the stars in the sk- in the sk- night sky, in the same way the opening to the original Final Fantasy VII looked, which is a nice little nod, and then that pans down, just like as in the original to show Aerith, but this time she is, uh, it's not like directly... it's not the exact same [?], she's like kneeling in the alleyway, and uh...
And... I don't know what she's doing exactly, she's like... sees like a leak maybe in like a pipe, and... the Mako coming out of there, and maybe she's, it's like the lifestream to her or something?
Anyway, she hears something down the alley, and it freaks her out, and so she, like, gets startled and walks down the alleyway out into the... into the city, and uh, a guy bumps into her, uh, and her flowers basket drops, and, the, um... like, she's trying to pick them all up, she's sorta sad or whatever, and this one guy carrying a box, he doesn't see, and he walks up and steps directly on top of the, uh, one of the flowers, and she seems really hurt by it and picks it up and holds it to her chest, uh, and then looks up for a long time, it doesn't make any sense from, like a reality standpoint, but...
She just looks up and then the camera pans back, and then the music escalates, and then you just see the city of Midgar, uh, just more and more and just keeps unfolding, and it's like so f*cking massive, and the music is slowing, and it's so f*cking sick
And then, umm... yeah it pulls back even more, and it's the Shinra headquarters, and like it's... so huge, and there's helicopters and all that stuff, the music swells finally to a point, and then... *mimics explosion* shows "Final Fantasy VII", the, um, title, and it's just the f*cking coolest sh*t ever, uh, so much sicker than Star Wars, and uh...
Anyway, the main theme, the *hums main theme*, and the minor *hums minor version of the main theme*, and it zooms in, uh, back, back down to show another part of the city where a train is going, kinda cuts, with a- with a train, just like in the original, just like in... so awesome
This time, Cloud is on top of the train, and umm... uh, the train pulls into the station, music all dials back, uh, two Shinra soldiers are, um, kinda just checking it out, make sure everything looks good with the train pulling into this... to this, um, I... I guess like Mako reactor station? I'm not really sure where the train's pulling into, anyway...