Beginning The Mission lyrics


​death’s dynamic shroud

They're checking it out, uh, and then one of them hears, *mimics grunting* Square Enix grunts, and uh... he goes over to investigate, and then... uhh... Biggs runs up behind him, grabs him, and Jessie runs up, kicks him in the stomach, and that must be a powerful f*cking kick, 'cause he completely is out for the entire rest of the time you're playing the game

And then, uh, Wedge, uh, comes over, and then, uh, Barret comes out, and then he's like, he like turns back and he's like, "Get down here, merc!", at which point Cloud does like a flip off of the train into the ground, and *swoosh* with his sword, and it's really dramatic for, essentially no reason, uh, but it's sick, you know... and then the coolest part is in, like, that's all like, you know, cutscene or whatever, uh, and then it just like, the camera pans around the back of his head, and suddenly you're playing the f*cking game, so... so dope, anyway, that's how like, just the graphics are so- anyway, point is, step forward, and very immediately two guards turn the corner from inside the station, and they're like... they're like "Halt! Who goes there?", and then Barret says like, uhh, "You're up, merc" or something like that, and then Barret just runs right past the guards, and the guard won't do anything about Barret, they just focus solely on Cloud even though Barret is like, has a f*cking, is huge and has a gun on his arm, they don't care about him, they just care about Cloud

Obviously, Cloud dispatches them really quickly, um, you go turn the corner where they came from, and there's two more soldiers there, take care of them, Biggs and Wedge and Jessie and Barret all keep going ahead, umm... and then, uh, you hop over the turnstiles, and three more guards, I think two just run down the stairs and there's like another one off camera, uh, and then those three guards again let Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie, and Barret all just go up the stairs, totally don't see them, just see Cloud

You kill them, you go up the stairs, a chest there, and there's actually another chest on the other side of the room with some grenades in it, um, and then you come out, and you turn... you turn left from there, and um, Wedge is standing there and he holds up his hand, Barret walks up over to the right, and then Wedge, uh, tries to kinda small talk with Cloud, Cloud is like... quo- is like not interested, basically

Uh, and um, Biggs and Jessie are trying to, uh, hack the code to the security door so that can get through, and they're having a conversation, and... it's like "What's his- what's- what's his name again?" and Biggs is like "Cloud, Cloud Strife", uh... and he's like, I dunno, they're talking about like how he used to be a SOLDIER, umm, et cetera, et cetera

And then they get the door open, well you have to turn right and walk, and you, kinda, it's like you're gonna talk to Barret but then it cuts- it's like a cutscene thing, and then Wedge comes up to Barret and he's like, "No one does anything like this" or "You'd have to be crazy to do something like this for... money" or something like that, anyway they talk, and Cloud cuts him off, and he's like "Not interested" and it's like "He said the thing, he said the thing!"

And then uh, they get the gate open, and Biggs and... Jessie run ahead, and then Barret turns back and he's like "Wedge!" and then Wedge is like "*sigh*" and he runs off to, and then Barret starts walking away but he turns back to Cloud and he's like "You'd better be worth the money, merc, every last Gil!" and then Cloud walks up, and then music swells, uh, he does the thing where he looks up at the Mako reactor which is sick, it's like the picture from the, um... um, the cover art, basically

And then uh, yeah, you turn right, go down the stairs, and then a security guard and a dog attack, and then you kill them, uh, again the rest of the party runs on ahead, um, there's a treasure chest over to the left, if you pick that up, then it forces another encounter with a dog and a security guard, but if you don't you just keep running into the building, and then there's an elevator, nd the party runs by and Wedge looks back and he's like "Hey, there- um, the elevator's over there, catch up soon", so you get on the elevator, go up, and then when you get off the elevator you kinda run down a little walkway thing, go down the stairs, and they're like cutting the gate open, so you're just kinda standing around, you can smash some boxes if you feel like it, everybody walks through the gate, uh, they fit through the hole that they cut, and very single one of the characters makes like a *mimics even more grunting* Square Enix grunts again, and then when you're about to, Biggs is like "Not so fast, we've got company!" or something like that, but he like waves his gun in your face, it's so weird, I guess he's like pointing behind you, but anyway, um, two security soldiers and a guard run down the stairs, Cloud turns back, you kill them, you go through the little hole in the gate, ih, walk straight, turn left, there's a little cubby to the left with some boxes in it, but you can pass that, keep going more through the gates, turn right, and walk down a ramp, two guards down there, again somehow the party gets past those guards, the guards see Cloud, you kill them, uh, there's a treasure chest that has a Phoenix Down in it, you walk down a hallway and then you have to pull a lever to open up a door, and then on the other side of the door, the rest of the party is up there, and they're all talking to each other and then they... they split, Wedge stays behind to stand guard, Biggs, Jessie, and Barret run into the Mako reactor so you follow them, and uh, then it has lika a cool pan out, shows like the whole f*cking entrance of the reactor, and it's really, really sick...
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