(Piano piece)
Logic taught me
Hey what the hell
Woah woah woah is there a problem
Wanna go, you wanna go
Go, what are you talking about
I'm talkin about go
That's what I'm talkin about
First ones on the house
I got things to do
Up, where do you think you're going
[Interlude 1]
You are watching a master at work
[Interlude 2]
You have interfiered with our affairs for the last time
As you see my jedi powers are far beyond yours
Who ever you are
Thank you
If anybodys gonna take that b*tch down it's gonna be me
A boy from Maryland grew up to become a rapper
Throughout the years from 2009 to 2013 the boy released 5 mixtapes
3 under the persona of Young Sinatra
On March 2nd, 2018 a boy went through a breakup and slowly got through it
Once gaining the mindset of 3 years before
All because of