TODAY lyrics
We say we say
Who say
You know I gat
We all should fight
Fight the power
[Verse one]
Blue say who say
Life is a hit for those
Who make it lit
I will not make it breath
Progress on others hits
Don't know
Fake streams make you blow
Hold up
Borrowed chains and shoes
Shut up
Two tattoos fines
Make you show up
Head shot
Gun shot
What the main shot
Took a brain surg
That all brain wash
Don't drink hot
Even if its a glass of shut
True power can't be shears
It can never be held
Its ment to be feared
As I fear love
Hold up that came out wrong
No blood
On our hands bro
Hear no blood
Am a true blood
No stains no hate
Make it straight up
Got faith in the most high
All fly like the Emirates guns up
Aubameyang hair style