Daddy’s Little Angel lyrics
by Alan Menken
When I was a kid
A squirmy little squid
I was number seven born of seven little girls
Seven little pearls
Pretty as could be
Perfect to a "T"
All except for me!
Ugly as a slug
Hideous to hug
Daddy found me loathsome and disgusting I could tell
They all got adored
I just got ignored
Plus, to ease his guilt, a magic shell
Used to belong to my Papa Poseidon. Full of lethal hexes and spells, my little sea-snakes. The perfect gift for a spurned dangerously unstable child
Most of all Daddy loved one sister
So feminine, so fresh, so fine
I would watch as he hugged and kissed her
And I hated her guts from the bottom of mine
Daddy's Little Angel
Daddy's Little Sweet
Such a little frilly femme
She was seaweed and spice and everything nice
And I dreamed and I schemed how to put her on ice
Daddy's Little Angel
How could I compete
With a girl so heaven sent?
Just a spell from the shell
And back to heaven she went
Next what did I do?
Daughter number two
Flung her in a whirlpool, where I left her spinning round
Daughters three and four
Washed up on the shore
Sadly, five and six were never found
Didn't make my father love me
Flotsam and Jetsam:
But it didn't bring me down, oh no!
Flotsam and Jetsam:
No! No!
Too sad though when Dad caught that very rare and lethal flu
Flotsam (?):
So true
Jetsam (?):
Poor you
Flotsam and Jetsam:
Boo hoo
With no sisters in the line above me
I inherited the whole damn show
Was it fun?
Oh, a ton
So much fun I forgot
That my Dad
Also had
An addition tot
Yes, a son
Still age one
But I figured, so what?
Til that snotnose little baby grew
Flotsam and Jetsam:
He grew
He grew
Flotsam and Jetsam:
And grew
Ursula, Flotsam, and Jetsam:
He grew into you know who!
Ursula (Spoken): Triton! A male heir. And once he came of age he stole everything from me. Every ocean! Every lake! Every pond! Every puddle. So my dear Flotsam and Jetsam, it's time I took revenge. Revenge on what he loves most!
For now he has a child
Jetsam (?):
Flotsam (?):
But rather wild
And she has him wrapped around her flimsy little fin
She will be our in!
She'll be what we use
Bait he can't refuse
There's no way we'll use!
Flotsam (?):
Daddy's Little Angel
Jetsam (?):
Daddy's Little Pet
Daddy's Little Priceless Gem
Jetsam (?):
So sassy!
Flotsam (?):
So smart!
Flotsam and Jetsam:
The key to his heart!
Ruin her
As it were
It'll rip him apart!
Ursula, Flotsam, and Jetsam:
Daddy's Little Princess, she's the one to get
Flotsam and Jetsam:
Fellas take it from a pro!
Oh! Daddy's Little Angel
Trust me fellas, I know!
Flotsam and Jetsam:
Daddy's Little Angel!
Yes indeedy I know!
Flotsam and Jetsam:
Daddy's Little Angel!
Trust me fellas!
Flotsam and Jetsam:
Lalala Lala Lalalalala la
Ursula: I know!