Iko Iko lyrics
by Samuel E. Wright
Talk-in' 'bout, hey now! hey now! I-KO, I-KO, un-day
Jock-a-mo fee-no ai na-né. Jock-a-mo fee na-né
I-KO, I-KO, un-day. Hey!
I-KO, I-KO, un-day. Hey!
My grandma and your grandma were
Sit-tin' by the fire. My grandma told
Your grandma: "I'm gonna set your flag on fire."
Look at my king all dressed in red
I-KO, I-KO, un-day. I betcha five dollars he'll kill you dead
Jock-a-mo fee na-né
Talk-in' 'bout, hey now! hey now! I-KO, I-KO, un-day
Jock-a-mo fee-no ai na-né. Jock-a-mo fee na-né
Sing this song with Captain Jack!
I-KO, I-KO, un-day Hey!
On your luck the Captain's back!
I-KO, I-KO, un-day Hey!
My flag boy and your flag boy were
Sit-tin' by the fire. My flag boy told
Your flag boy: "I'm gonna set your flag on fire."
See that guy all dressed in green?
I-KO, I-KO, un-day. He's not a man;
He's a lov-in' machine
Jock-a mo fee na-né
Talk-in' 'bout, hey now! hey now! I-KO, I-KO, un-day
Jock-a-mo fee-no ai na-né. Jock-a-mo fee na-né
Hooray, hooray, holi-holiday
Talk-in' 'bout, hey now! hey now! I-KO, I-KO, un-day
Jock-a-mo fee-no ai na-né. Jock-a-mo fee na-né