Let There Be lyrics
by Stephen Schwartz
In the beginning
In the beginning
God created the Heaven and Earth
Without form - void - darkness
And God said:
Let there be
I woke up from a curious dream
I dreamed a perfect garden
And there were whirling shapes
And swirling sounds
And I wasn't lonely anymore
I woke up from a wonderful dream
Woke, full of energy and hunger
And now this hunger will be stilled
And my emptiness be filled
As I set about to build
My dream
Let there be
Let there be
Let there be
Evening, day
Let there be
Let there be
Let there be
Waters, weathers
Winters, wonders
Let there be
Land and
Speeding comets with hearts of ice
Spinning planets with rings of fire
Cosmic sparks
And quasars and quarks
And suns convulsing
Pulsars pulsing
Let there be
Let there be
Let there be
Apples trees with dappled barks
And granite mountains and flaxen plains
Giant lizards with tiny brains
Fluorescent fish and crescent worms
And a million bugs and trillion germs[FATHER]
Let there be
Let there be
Let there be
Let there be[STORYTELLERS]
Let there be
Let there be
And God saw it was good, it was good
Let there be
Let there be[FATHER, spoken]
It's not enough! It's still not enough
There was something more in my dream
Something could see it and share it
What was it, though
I only know
I wasn't lonely anymore
There is one more thing to build
One more void that must be filled
I'll make creatures I'll call children
Shaped like me
Let there be, let there be
Something, someone
Small and skinny
Clawless, furless
Finless, fangless
Let there be
Man who can
Wander over my flaxen plains
Wonder up at my granite mountains
Count the stars and wish for wings
And hold a tool and think of things
And search for answers he cannot see
And dream of glory
And worship me[FATHER]
Let there be
Let there be
Let there be
Let there be[STORYTELLERS]
Let there be
Let there be
And God saw it was good, it was good
Let there be
Let there be
BeAnd the father breathed into his
Children the breath of life
And the children became
Living souls
And the father gave to
His children a garden
And called the garden Eden
Let there be