La-Bibbida-Bibba-Dum lyrics
by Bad Lip Reading
"We're on Broadway!" I once knew a kid, his tongue fell off in his sleep. La-bibbida-bibba-dum! ("What?") La-bibbida-bibba-do! The girl in my basement probably thinks I'm a creep. ("Yeah,Probably") La-bibbida-bibba-dum! La-bibbida-bibba-do! I've got, Nine Cases of Anti-Fungal ointment, that nobody can use, without an appointment, down in Woodbury!("Is that your little play town?") Where it's very La-bibbida-bibba-dum! ("La-Bibbida what?") La-bibbida-bibba-dum, give me your bubble gum! ("What makes you think I have gum?") "Yeah, well I found out from Orlando, That Biter was a handyman." ("Woah, you've got a handyman that's a walker?") "Well to be honest he breaks more things than he fixes, but he still has most of his face so I trust him." Heads in aquariums, Heads in aquariums. I love heads in aquariums, I don't find them scary, I'm Fond of Bavarian cream, my dream of La-bibbida-bibba-dummmmm! La-bibbida-bibba-doooooo! La-bibbida-bibba-dummmmmm! Dum- Dum, Dum-Dum-Dummmmm.. "Starfish Command!" ("Yeah, you know what, Not even going to bother with that.") "Ricardo, if you have to ask you'll never know." My uncle was tall, but had these really short legs! La-bibbida-bibba-dum! La-bibbida-bibba-do! I wonder if poodles in Jamaica have dreads!? La-bibbida-bibba-dum! La-bibbida-bibba-do! "This is a violet!" ("No it isn't.") "Yeah, well it could be a flower." "The other night, there was this movie all about gardens, called "Bloody Shrimp"." ("You've got a problem.") "Yeah, I just found out that we just missed Halloween. I always wanted a Wookie, but I found out they weren't real! "Thanks for nothing, George Lucas." La-bibbida-bibba-dum! La-bibbida-bibba-do! La-bibbida-bibba-dum! La-bibbida-bibba-do! La-bibbida-bibba-dum! La-bibbida-bibba-do! Cluck! Went the chicken! "And that's how they do it on Broadway!" "Heh-Heh-Heh"