Pratheism lyrics
by Foetus
The time has come to answer your wishes
Walking on water skating with fishes
We work with vigor dedicated rigor
Exultant figure bolder and bigger
We will outlive you and not forgive you
Your lack of service will negative you
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Happy is the man who's fearful bona notabilia
Before you leave here make sure you click on
The donate button the purple icon
Happy is the man who's fearful bona notabilia
Canis canum narcoleptum diabetum
Pax brittannia pax deorum
Narcoleptum diabetum
Saved from disaster bow to your master
I am not your son i am not your daughter
I am not your slave i am not your martyr
I am not your god i am not your victim
I have no defenses against the obvious pra-the-ismus
I am not your son i am not your daughter
I am not your slave i am not your martyr
I am not your god i am not your victim
I have no defenses against the obvious
Monumentum trascendentum elementus fundamentus
I am not your son i am not your daughter
I am not your slave i am not your martyr
I am not your god i am not your victim
I have no defenses against the obvious
Glorify sanctum bell speak his name emmanuel
Paradise glory hole satisfy the longing soul
By the sword by the knife secret to eternal life
We agree to disagree death befall my enemy
It is right it is just pray we meet our holocaust
It is right it is just ash to ash and dust to dust
It is right it is wrong we return where we belong
Preach to teach serve and ray leading to ascension day
Sing we must requiem aim our guns at bethlehem
Pilgrimage holy land we delight in his commands
O hallelu-yi-ay plans are underway for ascension day
I am not your son i am not your daughter
I am not your slave i am not your martyr
It is right it is just ash to ash and dust to dust
I am not your son i am not your daughter
I am not your slave i am not your martyr
O hallelu-yi-ay plans are underway for ascension day
You will always be beside yourself and you'll never be inside again
It is right it is just ash to ash and dust to dust
It is right it is just pray we meet our holocaust
Monumentum transcendentum