Is That A Line? lyrics
by Foetus
I would rejoice the choice not to mess up the mess we're in around here
But I'm not gonna push no one nowhere
Leave nature to its course
Why infringe on a fringe which is precision made unkempt
I don't ask much - just being here is all I attempt
You could maybe say I'm conducting a sociological survey
I ain't ripped off or sucked in on a neater kind of holiday
Can anybody tell me, who is the grand poobah round here?
There's many people under many impressions I've wanted to know all year
A person I know is a pornographic philosopher
She's a dirty joke from one end of the town to the other
I think there must be some mistake here
She's younger than me yet older than my mother
I can't decide if this is lively or lugubrious
But I ain't gonna start facin' about it 'cos loose lips sink loose ships
Pacemakers molest loose hips
Personally I can do without it
But when the asterisk takes over is when you should worry
But never revived your process in pain 'cos who knows - in a week or two
You may wish you hadn't an' make a trip down memory lane
Now I can't decide if it's viscereal or visceral
I've heard of people who are in no hurry
People who are like a dodgy curry
Even more people who don't wanna worry, who get in a flurry
Say they're sorr, don't say they're sorry, don't you call it "corrie"?
Here comes a line!
"Down boy, down boy! Down boy! Oh, down!
Into everybody's life, a little rain must fall!
But every cloud has a silver lining!
And you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him wash it all off
When I'm feelin' a little down, these are just a few of the lines I like to think of
And they make me feel good
I got taught them by my pappy, and I hope they might help brighten your day, as they do mine"
Is that a line?
For every cloud that has a silver line (is that a line?)
You'll find one which has decided to lead a life of crime (is that a line?)
Who will dust off the career of a weather-eater in his prime (is that a line?)
(Is that a line?)
When there seems to be no obstacles in the way (is that a line?)
When I ask if a human object's okay (is that a line?)
When I feel a neater feeling than you feel (is that a line?)
Is it a line? Is it a line?
Would you please appease my pleas (is that a line?)
For peas pudding, peas and plum pudding please (is that a line?)
I know, frozen food doesn't grow on trees, ow! Whoo!
(Is that a line?)
If I offer you a better deal (is that a line?)
If I polish up some rods of shiny steel (is that a line?)
If one makes out, one knows how another one feels (is that a line?)
Is it a line? Is it a line?
(Is that a line?)
Person can't keep down person's bile (is that a line?)
When person realizes person is on trial (is that a line?)
Person calm down in awhile (is that a line?)
Darling, any day you'll get my vote (is that a line?)
Darling, I just love you for your new fur coat (is that a line?)
Or is that your hairy shoulders
You could just about part your spine (is that a line?)
This is a line... this is a line
(Is that a line?)
Not so much hitting as missing (is that a line?)
See you at the next bout of pretend kissing (is that a line?)
One spreads one's phlegm around too much (is that a line?)
Bye bye saliva - keep in touch
(Is that a line?)
Beware of these danger spots (is that a line?)
The place where old actresses go to rot (is that a line?)
The trouble with old actresses is that they've always got the same old plots (is that a line?)
I know your lines, I know your lines
(Is that a line?)
Is it a line?
(Is that a line? Is that a line?)