The Twin Courts of Faerie, and the Perils of Sidhe Ritual lyrics
All in the court of Summer's Queen shall sing praise to the allflame and the warmth of her embrace
But when the Arctis Tor casts it's shade on thee, call forth to Winter
O' queen of the umbra
Sidhe, Fae, the denizens of Faerie and it's majesty
All lay before the courts and their endless war, waged forevermore
O' the Sidhe, their trickery
(Don't turn your backs)
Their pacts, and oaths, are not gifts to thee
(Believe their liеs)
A promise kept is a life unlеft
But retract your word and they're merciless
All in the court of summer's Queen shall sing praise to the allflame and the warmth of her embrace
But when the Arctis Tor casts it's shade on thee, call forth to Winter
O' queen of the umbra
Deeper into the forest we plunge
Torn asunder, mind enc*mbered by the treacherous hunt
Turn your head, grasp your iron if you have chosen to run
For the unseelie threat can blot out the sun
Turn your gaze on the wyldfae, for their kith not claim to frost or flame
But you shan't find warm embrace with the Wild Hunt
There is no escape
Faerie, beckons your oath to the fae
Abhorred for coercion and lust
All in the court of summer's Queen shall sing praise to the allflame and the warmth of her embrace
But when the Arctis Tor casts it's shade on thee, call forth to Winter
O' queen of the umbra