Pokemon Pickup Lines lyrics
by Lewberger
Prepare for trouble, and make it double
Meowth! That’s right
We lock eyes across the room
I choose you
Up in the gym I try to pick up chicks
I whip out my pocket monster
Show off the Bubble Beam
That's another badge of honor for me
I really wanna prove that I'm the very best
So I wear my balls on the outside
Travel across the land, having random encounters to find the power that's inside
She's so impressed by my Charmander her Bulb is sore
This Squirtle make her Graveler more
I wanna Brock her till her eyes get Misty
Hot as Ash when we're getting frisky
She's Drowzee, Abra Kadabra, Alakazam
This Magnemite leave her Vileplume slammed
I wanna take turns till we're Koffing and Weezing and one of us faints
I said, "You are such a wonderful water-type host, and on a scale of one to two, you're a dos."
Girl, I wanna take a Pikachu while I'm blasting off again
And I call it Team Rocket when I do it with my friend
I wanna get into your Jigglypuff with my Wigglytuff and fall asleep
When we start, you can have it three ways
Hot, wet or dirty and let's give it a name
After my red candy you will never be the same
'Cause I don't wipe my Venomoth
My Metapod is hardened
Wanna tackle your unknown
Get my Sandshrew into your Sandslash
We'll make a Rapidash for your Vulpix
I know it sounds Farfetch'd, but take a Chansey
I'm Seaking your star, you should stop diddling with that Electabuzz
I'll give you Polywhirls with my Lickitung
It's got tons of experience
She wanna Beedrill with my Weedle
Have her Vileplume Gloomed with my Oddish
Have her tall grass trimmed with my Scyther
Yeah, I wanna have her bury my Diglett
Articuno-lingus at the end of the bed
And then I'm into your Cloyster with a Slowpoke
Put my Caterpie into your Metapod
We let our Butterfree
Simultaneous hyperbeam
She's so impressed by my Charmander her Bulb is sore
This Squirtle make her Graveler more
My status effect lingers
'Cause everything I do is super effective
I wanna be the very best like no one ever was
Travel across the land to please them is my cause
When it comes to girls, I gotta catch 'em all
No one can escape our Master Balls