Who's the coolest band?
Who's got the best hair?
Who's the most punk rock?
Can you tell me who really cares?
I heard so and so's a poser
I heard so and so's a hypocrite
I've never done anything in my whole life
But I sure do talk alot of sh*t
He's got a mohawk
He's got a pierced c*ck
His head goes talk talk talk talk ...
She's got a mohawk
They travel in flocks
Her head goes talk talk talk talk...
That band put out their own record
I think that's so f*cking cool
Even though their songs are sexest
They're DIY so I guess they change the world
I got into punk rock
So I could say f*ck all the rules
So long as I do what all the T-shirts say
Then everyone will know I am cool
He's got a mohawk
He's got a pierced c*ck
His head goes talk talk talk talk talk talk
She's got a mohawk
They travel in flocks
Her head goes talk...
The only thing that matters if your in a band
Can you successfully divert the next generation
From accepting white racism
The only thing that matters if your in a band
Can you successfully divert the next generation
From accepting mesongeny and male domination
The only thing that matters if your in a band
Can you successfully divert the next generation
The only thing that matters if your in a band
Can you successfully divert the next generation
From accepting homophobia and heterosexism
The only thing that matters if your in a band
Can you successfully divert the next generation
From believing that their first priority is their occupation
The only thing that matters if your in a band
Can you successfully divert the next generation
From believing the lie of a middle class is falling for unintentional division
The only thing that matters if your in a band
Can you successfully divert the next generation
From believing the lie that the earth's rightful role is under human subjugation