Reasonable Doubt VS. Strictly Business lyrics
by Rap Genius Users
THE-MIND-UNLEASED - Reasonable Doubt by Jay Z
Opening Statement:
MvdS - Strictly Business by EPMD
Opening Statement:
How different would rap look today if no one ever got the idea to put on music at a party? We have seen so many legends, albums and records been created through party rap, it has become inseparable from hip hop music. And one of the main reasons it exists in the first place lies with EPMD’s Strictly Business
The landscape of rap was way different when this album first came out: songs had to have a meaning, a message and a goal, but the duo of Erick Sermon and PMD went another road. They released an album filled with lighthearted bars and bouncing beats. Add some catchy hooks in, modernize the beats a bit and they would still be hits today. They opened the door for a completely different kind of rap music
The album went gold within a month and that in a time where rap was looked at much different as it is today, plus it’s widely regarded as a fundamental classic. The production of this album also formed the roots for the success story G-Funk, which was a main force behind popularizing gangsta rap. Gangsta rap and party rap have become the two main pillars for rap and both would’ve been much different if it wasn’t for Strictly Business