Мою первую любовь звали ненависть (They called my first love «hate»/English translation) lyrics
by алёна швец. (alyona shvets.)
They called my first love «hate»
She was smoking cigarettes and everyone liked her
She was laughing while they were fighting for her
She had the brightest make up on the prom party
They called my first love «hate»
Who was despising all the pills from depression
There was a lotta books in her room
The main character died – a literature mess
Maybe it's cool to fly with her
Cops will stop you – quick, run away
Mom won't let you out saying it's dangerous
You're not a child but you like to play
If you're with her then everyone against you
But you yourself aren't very agreed
«Am i a crazy b*tch?» – she'll ask
She perfectly knows the answer is yes
Perfectly knows
Perfectly knows
Perfectly knows
Knows the answer is yes
Perfectly knows
Perfectly knows
Insted all the teachers
Tagged all the walls
With her uneven handwriting
But so alive
They beat her up in the old school
During break
Don't you fear, my girl
We'll take revenge
Maybe it's cool to fly with her
Cops will stop you – quick, run away
Mom won't let you out saying it's dangerous
You're not a child but you like to play
If you're with her then everyone against you
But you yourself aren't very agreed
«Am i a crazy b*tch?» – she'll ask
She perfectly knows the answer is yes
(Perfectly knows)
(Perfectly knows)
Perfectly knows
Maybe it's cool to fly with her
Cops will stop you – quick, run away
Mom won't let you out saying it's dangerous
You're not a child but you like to play
If you're with her then everyone against you
But you yourself aren't very agreed
«Am i a crazy b*tch?» – she'll ask
She perfectly knows the answer is yes