Ultrabeat lyrics
by alyona alyona
Do what you have to
The gap between me and you
Throws us to the barricades
But we're human targets, can't you see?
Just led by royal decree
Do what you have to
The gap between me and you
Throws us to the barricades
But we're human targets, can't you see?
The crowd wants to suppress your identity
I hold my breath
I feel my chest is bleeding, is bleeding
Your icons are fake
It's time to awake
And you'll see, you'll see
Someone wants us to never know the truth
But it's too close, right in your thoughts
Listen up, we're all to blame
But not always, there's a witness
What's donе is done, the smoke from your gun
Suggеsts me not to put my nose in your god damn business
But it's time to step outside, let me say before I die
Your fury is a f*cking fuel that I cannot deny
With a harmless smile you crucify me because we're opposites
Do what you have to
The gap between me and you
Throws us to the barricades
But we're human targets, can't you see?
Just led by royal decree
Do what you have to
The gap between me and you
Throws us to the barricades
But we're human targets, can't you see?
The crowd wants to suppress your identity
I hold my breath
I feel my chest is bleeding, is bleeding
Your icons are fake
It's time to awake
And you'll see, you'll see
Someone wants us to never know the truth
But it's too close, right in your thoughts
Коли жбурляють в твою душу камені
Коли навколо всі поломані й поранені
Коли так очі ріже дим і пече вогонь
Встаєш з колін і швидко сягаєш свого
Ти маєш волю у руці, та на тобі приціл
І кимось вже давно всі наші зведені кінці
Це твій останній раз, твоя остання гра
Допоки ти ще в праві – обирай
Коли тобі обіцяють гори золоті – ти не віриш їм, а раніше вірилось
Коли у людини тільки воля на меті – кожен діє так, щоб тікав від звіра лось
І коли зійдуться наші погляди – що саме зможеш ти сказати мені в вічі?
Do what you have to
Що саме зможеш ти сказати мені в вічі?
Do what you have to
Що саме зможеш ти сказати мені в вічі?
Do what you have to
Що саме зможеш ти сказати мені в вічі?
Do what you have to
Що саме зможеш ти сказати мені в вічі?