Happy Me lyrics
by Don Ho
Everybody knows I got a happy life
Got no troubles and I got no wife
Freer than a bird in a banyan tree
I'm the original happy me (Hawaiian)
Never have a worry livin' on the beach
Everything I want is in my reach
Catch a little dinner from the bright blue sea
Eat it with a haole girl crazy for me
My back is strong, my shoulders broad
Ride the ocean on my big surfboard
Catch'um wave bigger than a mountain high
Jump up a shore, I'm still dry (Hawaiian)
I do a lot of swimmin' when the sun is bright
Do a lot of lovin' in the pale moonlight
Don't know if it's better in the night or day
But I'm very happy either way
Everybody knows I got a happy life
Got no troubles and I got no wife
Freer than a bird in a banyan tree
I'm the original happy me (Hawaiian)
Playin' my ukelele and I sing my song
Nearly everybody wants to sing along
Fish come a swimmin' in
Just to hear me chew
Throw 'em in the pot, we got fish stew
Everybody knows I got a happy life
Got no troubles and I got no wife
Freer than a bird in a banyan tree
I'm the original happy me (Hawaiian)
Give them one more time (Hawaiian)
He knows big thing gay?
Happy me, happy me (Hawaiian)
Happy me, happy me (Hawaiian)