The Papers And Writings Of Abraham Lincoln-VOL. V (Chap. 3.3) lyrics
by Abraham Lincoln
Response To An Elector's Request For Money
To —————— March 16, 1860
As to your kind wishes for myself, allow me to say I cannot enter the ring on the money basis—first, because in the main it is wrong; and secondly, I have not and cannot get the money.
I say, in the main, the use of money is wrong; but for certain objects in a political contest, the use of some is both right and indispensable. With me, as with yourself, the long struggle has been one of great pecuniary loss.
I now distinctly say this—if you shall be appointed a delegate to Chicago, I will furnish one hundred dollars to bear the expenses of the trip.
Your friend as ever,
[Extract from a letter to a Kansas delegate.]