Fool-Hearted Girl lyrics
by Paul Gordon
[Jerusha Abbott]
Daddy, Daddy, what do you think?
The postman has just come
First, my story is accepted
Fifty dollars!
A la! I'm an author!
I feel like I'm becoming somebody now
A proper person
A letter from the college secretary
I'm to have a scholarship for two years
That will cover board and tuition
Daddy, now I won't be such a burden
I'll have all the money I need
[Jervis Pendleton]
It's out of the question!
[Jerusha Abbott]
What do you mean
I shouldn't accept?
Mr Girl Hater
I don't understand you at all
And I never will
You are so completely tenacious
Tough and bull-headed
I've got news for you
You can make a fuss if you want to
But I refuse to give up what I've earned
Bridges may be burned!
[Jervis Pendleton]
Miss Abbott!
[Jerusha Abbott]
Dear Daddy Long Legs
I will not be treated like an item you own
And you can tell your secretary man
That if you say one thing more
I won't accept the monthly allowance either
But will wear myself into a nervous wreck
Tutoring stupid freshmen
Yours with a mind completely and irrevocably and world-without-end made up
Now, Daddy, I must sleep
But I will think of you
Please, Daddy, let me do what a fool-hearted girl
Must do
[Jervis Pendleton]
A perfectly awful day
I just received your letter
I'm ashamed of my irrational behaviour
A perfectly awful day
But look at it from my side
Your dependence is all I can depend on
Please, Jerusha Abbott
You'll know the truth in the end
Jervis- Daddy-
Pendleton Long Legs Smith
Who writes another letter than he will not send
And whose cowardly behaviour is becoming a trend