Nachos of Dedede lyrics
by RecD
[RecD Dedede]
Alright, Dedede! You ready for a good ol' eat-off? It's like a Gourmet Race without the race!
[Juno Dedede]
And the gourmet...
[RecD Dedede]
Don't you dare dede-dissify the bell!
[Juno Dedede]
Lettuce and beef
Now I'm pickin' my teeth
Already crushed the remains
Of this Crunchwrap Supreme!
[RecD Dedede]
Give it up, punk
You know I'm bustin' with junk food
If you had as much brains
As I have sour cream!
[Juno Dedede]
I'm the king and I won't throw in the towel!
I don't care if this gon' ravage my bowels!
[RecD Dedede]
I'll bite beef burritos 'til my big belly bursts
Then I'll finish first!
[Juno Dedede]
Bring me
Crunchy tacos!
[RecD Dedede]
Don't forget about
Them Bellgrande-fiеd nachos!
[Juno Dedede]
And Chicken Quesaritos!
Bring fifty-sevеn of those!
[Both Dededes]
To chow down with gusto!
[RecD Dedede]
Grand up
Me a scrambler!
[Juno Dedede]
Hand me that supreme
Chicken chalupa sample!
[RecD Dedede]
We're ducks, but
Who gets the bill?
[Juno Dedede]
I thought you said that you will!
[RecD Dedede]
You will!
[Juno Dedede]
You will!
[RecD Dedede]
You will!
[Juno Dedede]
You will!
[RecD Dedede]
You will!
[Juno Dedede]
You will!
[RecD Dedede]
You will!
[Juno Dedede]
You will!
[RecD Dedede]
Now listen, bud, my kingdom's kinda lookin' down
We just spent nine billion D bills cleanin' out a clown!
[Juno Dedede]
Don't forget I paid for both our rides so come around
And show a little charity to Dedede's crown!
[RecD Dedede]
Fail to the mighty king Dedede
As he eats more than you'll ever munch!
[Juno Dedede]
It is I who will beat ya
With Mexican Pizza
You're payin' for lunch!
Uh, what even is a "Mexico" anyway?
[RecD Dedede]
Where pizzas were invented clearly!
I sense a great-a disturbance in the Fettucine...
[RecD Dedede]
Bring on the steak
Might be broke, but can't break
Or much more than my bowels gonna be in a bind!
[Juno Dedede]
The grub was too bland
In the Forgotten Land
So I'll fill up my jowls with cheesy Gordos and lime!
[RecD Dedede]
They made taco shells outta nacho chips
I gotta make ol' Goonie cook some up quick!
Ya better get it with a big side of dip
[Both Dededes]
Shut up, Escargoon!
Yes, Sire...
[RecD Dedede]
Here comes
The dessert round
[Juno Dedede]
It's the part where we
Gain like fifteen extra pounds!
[RecD Dedede]
So much for that Keto
[Juno Dedede]
'Cause we've got grub to eat-o!
Like this dessert burrito!
[RecD Dedede]
Hang on!
That's a churro!
[Juno Dedede]
I know! But it's wrapped
Up tight in a tortilla
So it counts!
[RecD Dedede]
If you're cheatin'
I'm triplin' the combos
That I'm eatin'!
[Juno Dedede]
Wait! Did you just stuff tacos in your Baja Blast?
[RecD Dedede]
I'm doin' what it takes to eat my tacos fast!
[Juno Dedede]
Well, if that's the game you're playin', boy, then down the hatch!
This quesadilla sandwich gonna be your last!
[RecD Dedede]
Hail to the Strawberry Skittles Freeze
As it chills all the beef in my gut!
[Juno Dedede]
All this fast food devourin'
Has my stomach sourin'
With a fiery butt!
[RecD Dedede]
Shoulda gone to Pizza Hut!
[Juno Dedede]
There's uh, still a mountain of food left... I'll give ya one more chance to fold
[RecD Dedede]
I don't think foldin' is a good idea right now...
Kirby?! What're you doin' in our song?! Also which one are ya?
[Juno Dedede]
Okay, you're his
[RecD Dedede]
Why ain't you out in the forest eatin' birds?
[Juno Dedede]
Did... did he just out-eat both of us?!
[RecD Dedede]
Yup... in three seconds. The cheatin' li'l cute ball didn't even sing about it!
[Juno Dedede]
And all we got to show for it are a pair of achin' bellies as big as the bill...
[Max Flexer]
Don't worry, Kings Dedede! I'll work those carbs and calories 'til you're both fit and fab like me!
[Both Dededes]
Aw, man, they're out of Baja Blast
[Both Dededes]
And we're outta budget!
Oh, sorry