by RecD
[Spoken Intro]
[Track: Dunk]
Sun is shining, weather's great
Don your lucky jersey!
Don't forget to hydrate
[Hex and The Boyfriend]
When you're thirsty!
You get thirsty?
Well, no, robots don't drink
But we've still got to oil our joints!
[The Boyfriend]
If you're rusty, I think
It would be awful hard to score points!
Once you've limbered up a little
Hit the court and grab a B-Ball
[The Boyfriend]
Must have lots of room to dribble
When you're standin' seven feet tall!
Oh, yes! That's my favorite part!
Dribbling with perfect rhythm
[The Boyfriend]
Never thought of B-Balls as art!
You could make a dope beat with em!
THat's what got me hooked on songs!
Sports and tunes go hand-in-hand!
[The Boyfriend]
You were jammin' all along!
We should get you in a band!
But that's just a warm-up session!
Once the game starts, it gets better
[The Boyfriend]
Think I'm gettin' the impression
That's when it comes all together!
Shoes squeaking!
[The Boyfriend]
Moving sounds!
Joy peaking!
[The Boyfriend]
All around!
Baskets swishing!
[The Boyfriend]
Nothing but net!
Something's missing...
[Hex and The Boyfriend]
How could I forget?
How could you forget?
The scoreboard beckons
Closing tension's red-hot
Counting down the seconds!
Comes down to the last shot!
[The Boyfriend]
Hype so strong you can taste it!
Heart pounding with funk!
Got one chance, don't waste it!
Jump up, slam down and dunk!
Suddenly the room gets loud
Overcome by cheering!
They want more, shout "Encore"
Circuits reeling!
[The Boyfriend]
Basking in a cheering crowd
Just like a musician!
Where I'll be, hopefully!
Least I'm wishin'!
Anybody who craves the thrill
Performance gives can make it!
[The Boyfriend]
Right back at ya, you got the will
To see your shot and take it!
I'm just visiting this street
To shoot some hoops and sing some ditties!
[The Boyfriend]
Never know who you might meet
When you play out around the city!
[Spoken Intermission]
[Track: R.A.M.]
I've been playing ball with people for a while!
[The Boyfriend]
Don't shock me at all you got a real smooth style!
Glad you think so! I'll be real
Took some time to reach my best!
[The Boyfriend]
Oh, for sure! know how that feels...
Didn't always sound this fresh!
Playing with new friends
Made me realize every match is special
You must calculate the most amusing result
[The Boyfriend]
That really depends
Fighting new foes gets a little stressful
When you gotta psychoanalyze their insults
Haven't had that problem
Everyone's been pleasant
[The Boyfriend]
That's odd, everyone wants
Me dead when I'm present!
I recall just yesterday
Went against a living bomb
You mean Whitty? Dude, no way!
That guy's anything but calm
Doesn't like songs, true
But he is quite masterfull at B-ball!
Doesn't have to
Jump to reach the basket at all!
[The Boyfriend]
Maybe I shoulda
Got to know him before i started singing
Next time, I'll just
Pass a basketball and wing it!
Not everyone is a hoop-dunkin' ace
While passing through Nevada met a clownish man in dismay
Couldn't shoot it from the right place
But he won in his own way
[The Boyfriend]
Seems that you got a real talent with people
Makin' their acquaintance without fightin' them or dyin'
That appeal is near unequalled
[Hex and The Boyfriend]
Everybody wins!
Everybody wins!
There was one last really tough guy
[The Boyfriend]
Bet he was a really rough guy
Orange hair and scowling face
[The Boyfriend]
I know him
We used to date
Told him, "Shoot the ball!"
He did
[The Boyfriend]
How'd you calm him?
I'd have hid
We went to a shooting range!
[The Boyfriend]
Now that's Pico's kinda game!
Putting a cap on the theory I've tested
Anyone can be your friend if you act nice and think fast
Find out what makes them invested
Make some memories that last
[The Boyfriend]
Sure wish more people I fought thought like you do
Woulda saved a lotta trouble if they didn't hate me
Lots to take home from this round two
[Hex and The Boyfriend]
You did splendidly!
You did splendidy!
[Hex, spoken]
Our paths in life hold different lore
You turn to rap, I turn to dunks
But we share one thing for sure:
[Hex and The Boyfriend]
We can really funk
We can really funk
[Spoken Intermission]
[Track: Hello World!]
My life's great, you know, what else could I need?
[The Boyfriend]
How about a show with you as the lead?
All I know is playing games with passing strangers
[The Boyfriend]
Trust me, shows are tame against those dangers
Do people really like basketball players that much?
Oh, what would I do?
[The Boyfriend]
You're more than sports, man
You've got lotsa layers
They made Space Jam 2!
Would they even let me play with pros?
People tend to think robots are cheaters
[The Boyfriend]
You work harder than most folks I know
I got your in!
Her dad owns a theater
Why, that's it, that's how I'll start
Mix my dunks with songs and art
Sing the joys of basketball
Like I just did!
[The Boyfriend]
That act sure sounds real unique
Folks would watch you every week
Funks and dunks, you'll have it all
You'll flip their lids
This show's gonna be the best
I'll bring folks I met as guests
Pico, Whitty, plenty more
Just not the clown!
[The Boyfriend]
For the pilot, I'll co-star
That'll help the show go far
So, what are you waiting for?
Let's head on down!
Do you think my clothing looks alright?
Not sure if this
Jersey's too plebian
[The Boyfriend]
You're fine, besides we don't have all night
If we don't jet
It's my final evenin'
Then I'll set my power use to full steam
[The Boyfriend]
You and I are gonna make a rad team
Golly, this day's been good as it gets
[Hex and The Boyfriend]
Easily the chillest one I've had yet
Easily the chillest one I've had yet
Call a taxi, on the spot
Show her father what I've got
If he lets me use the stage
Won't regret it
[The Boyfriend]
We'll just walk, the night is calm
Called a taxi, got her mom
[Hex and The Boyfriend]
So excited!
You're gonna be all the rage
Don't forget it
Hello, world, your best bot Hex is calling
[The Boyfriend]
You'll be burnin' red hot, so enthralling
Even my capacitors can't hold my thanks, friend
[The Boyfriend]
No prob, buddy, glad that we could make this happen
[Spoken Intermission]
[Track: Glitcher]
Yes! Our virus pierced the system
From here oughta be smooth sailing
Start copying everything you can before his drives start failing
[The Boyfriend]
Get off of that lovely robot
I'm gonna reset his power
How could you destroy someone like this
Before their finest hour?
Woah, there's someone else micspamming?
We can't stop his counterattack!
Listen, punk, we got here first
So find another bot to hijack
[The Boyfriend]
I'm not here to steal his body
That's a person you're abusing
No one raps as fast as me
So give it up right now, you're losing!
We're on borrowed time, make a memory dump
[The Boyfriend]
You won't get a byte out of his hard drive
We'll get what we need, just hit a bump
[The Boyfriend]
Cut it out, that hurts him, he's alive
Got his data logs to load up
[The Boyfriend]
Keep your mitts off of his files
Ooh, interesting... look right here what showed up...
[The Boyfriend]
How dare you read that
[The Boyfriend and Hackers]
Bring back his smile!
Bring back his smile!
Oh, gosh, thank you, Hex is back now!
All my gratitude is showing
Hurry, lest her folks attack now
You'd better get going!
[The Boyfriend]
Think I'm fallin' for that old trick?
You must be impersonating
And you read our chats, wow, that's sick
You're infuriating!
No, it's your buddy Hex right here!
Better stop before you overload me!
[The Boyfriend]
Said give it up, it's real clear
That you're pretending
Come on, you just showed me!
You just threw away your shot to walk out, your loss!
[The Boyfriend]
Not leavin' here 'till my buddy's free at all costs!
We'll just have to crush you first
We know that we can overload you
[The Boyfriend]
C'mon, cowards, do your worst
There's so many tough fights I've lived through
Just act like he's normal, we'll spare you, you help us
[The Boyfriend]
Don't try and get formal, you'll never have my trust
We were gonna nuke this pile
But if he has a TV show
[Hackers and The Boyfriend]
We could let him live awhile
You would let him live awhile
Interview and gather info
Interview and gather info
If you really wanna save him
Promise we won't touch a byte
If you get him that TV show
You're broadcasting at night!
[The Boyfriend]
That's his show! You freaks can't have it
Told you, no negotiations
Hex is purer than a rabbit
Get your own damn station!
No deal, then?
Gonna make this thing
Overclock way past the point of breaking!
[The Boyfriend]
Not if I force-restart him
It all comes down to this
My heart is aching!
System warning: hard drive overheating
Motherboard is critically dying
Random access memory depleting
Virus overloading, multiplying!
[The Boyfriend]
You might think this is enough to shake me
And if not, you'll leave him broke and worthless
But there's nothing you can pull to make me
Keep him from his bliss
Drat, I thought that code would do it
Seems this hack might be a blowout
Wait, a hidden file! Review it!
Copy it before he goes out!
[The Boyfriend]
Knew you couldn't overpower me!
Better run before he comes back
I'll tell him to print your IP
Track you down and counterattack!
This thing found the bomb we've been huntin' down...
[The Boyfriend]
What? You're after Whitty? You want his sound?
You don't need to know why we need him!
[The Boyfriend]
Drop the robot, give it up, leave him!
You can have him, this is better...
[The Boyfriend]
We just took you down together
Thanks for your help, this'll be a big blast!
[The Boyfriend]
Go funk yourself, this hack best be your last!
[Spoken Outro]