Meta Knight WITH LYRICS lyrics
by RecD
[Meta Knight]
Welcome, Kirby, to your ultimate challenge!
Heah heah heah! You done it now, pink boy! You made me use my secret super ship!
*Your* ship sire?
Yeah! The... uh, what's the ship called again?
[Meta Knight]
The Halberd...
Yeah! The Hairbird! That's a terrible name for a ship, Sky Baby 2
[Meta Knight]
**Please** don't call me that... Kirby, I would like to test your skills. You will face my finest men aboard the Halberd, and, should you prevail, I await you at the end
[Meta Knight]
Good. Let us begin
Now, for your first test
Why don't we start with one you can't mess up!
Try and take on my brand new warrior
Sailor Waddle Dee!
[Sailor Waddle Dee]
You want **me** to fight him?
Dedede just said I had to dress up!
All I've got on me is this umbrellaIYEEEE!
[Parasol Waddle Dee]
Hi, Kirby! I'm your eternal slave now! What's mine is yours! I'd die for you! I *will* die for you
Now that's what I call Dead-ication...
Uh... Can *all* you Sky Babies do that?
[Meta Knight]
God, I hope not. Er, good job, Kirby. You passed the first test
[Meta Knight]
I see you have made it into the cargo hold already. The next test will be a little bit... Harder
[Meta Knight]
Behold! My heavy lobster!
He's the mightiest man on my crew!
He's not a talker
But he's sure to walk right on over you!
(And he can shoot out claw-based fire too!)
[Parasol Waddle Dee]
Oh gosh, don't worry, I'll save you, Kirby!
You can count on my strength to beat him!
Behold my powerful umbrella!
I've got this, no worries
I'm well-prepared to defeat him!
Come at me, you massive lobster mecha!
You don't deserve to fight my master!
You might be big and bulky but that's your weak point!
Cos I'm sly and so much faster!
Kirby! I couldn't save you! Absorb me before I expire! I have served my purpooooose...
[Meta Knight]
Terrifyingly well-done, Kirby. Your final test... is me
As ordered by me!
Don't flatter yourself, yer highness. Ow!
Someone better flatter me, or I'll flatten you!
[Meta Knight]
I will be waiting in the heart of the ship
[Meta Knight]
Ah! Kirby. Right on time. Here, take this sword
Why are you givin' him a weapon, Sky Baby 2?
[Meta Knight]
I must ensure that this is a fair fight
Sire, if he's holdin' a sword, Kirby can't suck anyone up!
Aha! Hey Kirby! Have a bunch more swords! This one! And that one! And this one!
[Meta Knight]
**Stop.** Please. Never do anything again
[Meta Knight]
Now, then...
Star Warrior
Show to me
Your Power
Your beauty
Prepare to die!
Now, quickly
Raise your blade
Endure my
Can you withstand
The knight of Dreamland?
[Meta Knight]
Do not hold back!
Swipe, sideswipe
Parry, Jab
Slash, downstrike
Sweeping Stab!
No more goofy jokes
No more silly games
Just swords and pain!
Feel the sting of cold metal on your skin
Wake the warrior within!
Don't just stand and dodge
Go on the Assault!
Any failures are your fault...
Live to fight again
Die to fight no more
Fighting is what you and I were made for...
[Meta Knight and Kirby]
[Meta Knight]
...whew... This battle is... taking a lot out of me...
[Meta Knight]
Wha...? Ugh... at my weakest moment... A solid strategy. I admit defeat
[Meta Knight]
You have proven yourself a true heroooh- Wait, Kirby, what are you doing? I said you won!
[Meta Knight]
Ah... ah... I... I just paid off the mortgage on that ship...
Puyo, puyoyo!
There, there now... you tried your best, and ya failed! And that's what matters
[Meta Knight]
Hey, cheer up! Look, I found the pieces o your mask! Boy, Sky Baby 2, you sure look a lot less powerful n' threatenin' without it... Yeah... masks make you look way stronger... Heh heh heh heh... Heeeeeh heh heh heh heh... HEEEAAAH HEH HEH HEH HEH HEEEEH!