Mid-Fight Masses lyrics



(Boyfriend, Sarvente, Ruv)


Precious little on
It’s your lucky break!
All your worries are in the past!

I get you’re a nun
But for heaven’s sake!
Drop it, need your bathroom, fast!

You’ve been through so much!
Peril, demons, pain!
This life’s easy and quite simple!

Odd you knew so much
But let me refrain
I just wanna go tinkle

There’ll be time for your little bathroom trip
Once you join us and convert!Have a splash of Holy Water!

Gonna pass, if I have another sip
Think my bladder’s gonna burst!
Sitting on the border!
You don’t drink it, courses through ya!
Just a little dab’ll do ya!
Takе the vow, you’ll understand
And be rеborn a pious man!
So use that voice to sweetly croon
A bucketful of hymnal tunes!
And fill the last spot on my choir
Help the message spread, inspire!

Sounds like pretty awful luck
To join a choir and get stuck
Just filling out a bigger sound
Without the fame and cash abound
I’ll need to treat The Girlfriend right
And get through all my rapping fights
So sorry, lady, it’s a no
Now where’s the stall, I gotta go!

Don’t let greed and lust
Overtake your mind!
Look in your heart and do what’s right!

Girl, this song’s a bust!
Even if you’re kind
I can’t throw away this fight!
I can’t change your act
I won’t bend you will
But remember, God’s watching you!

I would make comebacks
But my bladder’s filled
Where’s that bathroom? I can’t go in the pews!


You should know by now
Outside of this chapel
Lies a world of sin and taboo!

Trust me, I’m aware
There’s a few bad apples
But there’s lots of good too!

But the rot’ll spread
And you won’t escape it!
If you leave here unconverted
Got the rappin’ skills
That I need to make it
In one piece, don’t be alerted!

Think of how your vocals fell flat
When a giant lemon monster tried to rend your flesh and eat it?

Whoa, whoa, how’d you know about that?
Guess we needed that big scary eyeball monster to defeat it…

Or when you were both surrounded
By a company of tankmen in the desert, trembling in fear?

OK, guess your fears are founded
But I got one little question: how’d you see that here?

I am but God’s all-seeing servant!

Kinda creepy you’re so observant…

You could say that, but know this well
My goal is noble




Save your ass from Hell forever!
Hell forever?

Sure, I’m not perfect, but I’m no monster…

Play it safe, let me be your sponsor...

Can’t give up all of my music goals
And let some pushy




Nun control my life’s endeavors!
Life’s endeavors

Have a simple point:Worship God and you’ll join
Him in Heaven, ever-happy!

Can’t just live to die!
I don’t play by God’s whims!
That life sounds real crappy!

You won’t live at all
Without God’s protection
Battling the hordes like you’ve been!

Seems you’re scared to lose
Drop the interjections
Ain’t no fight this boyfriend can’t win!

Take a look into your future!Killer clowns with horrid sounds and fiends who want your soul attacking!

Sure, I might end up in sutures
But I’ll fight on, sing so hard they lose their instrumental backing!

But they won’t just stop with singing!Ne’er-do-wells have secret spells to turn your very words against you!

If they want a fight, then bring it!
I got more than vocal cords to beat ‘em and pull through!

You have no reason to suffer!
God can vanquish all your troubles, all you gotta do is let Him!

Don't need no religious buffer!
Got my girlfriend, got my mic, got everything I need, forget Him!

You would knowingly face danger
All alone when you don't have to, just because you don't want guidance?

Pretty used to rappin’ strangers
Comin’ at me, keeps life spicy, give freedom a chance!


Small man with tiny voice
Fighting Ruv is poor choice

Whoa, everything’s shakin’!
Windows and doors breakin’!

Walls crack from voice effects
Join quickly, or you’re next

Shatter this place all night
Won’t join without a fight!

That is not an issue, for Sarvente I would massacre
Your fate was sealed in stone the instant you think to make ass of her
I tie your arms in pretzel and I lock you in confession room
And check to see if you are pious choir boy next June!

Gotta catch me if you’re gonna live up to those empty threats!
My skin is slicker than my rhymes, ain’t no one out there grabbed me yet!
I’ll rap around your head so quick, you’ll get confused and have no clue
I locked you in the room myself, ‘til you confess my rapping beat you!

Small one, you cannot run
If I wish to, I will take you
Into custody of church
If you won’t live an honest life, I will break you

Face it, if you don't quit
You won’t have a church to live in!
How are you gonna save anyone
When there's nowhere their sins are forgiven?

Fair point, we need this joint
Good thing I control my vocals
With small change, I shatter lungs instead
You can be warning to no-good locals

Hold on! That’s way far-gone!
I need my lungs to inspire!
Plus it seems you'd crush Sarvente’s dreams
If I could never sing in her choir!

Fine, I restructure goal
So Sarv can save your soul

I’m caring, strong, and brave
What could you need to save?

I gave tip previously
So, Boyfriend, you tell me

Wait, don’t tell me it’s true...
I got that note from you?!

“Help! I’m tortured by a demon!”
“Love my date, her dad’s a nightmare!”

Hey, don’t act like I was screamin’!
Didn’t actually wanna come here!

Oh, you’re turning pink as salmon
Where’d that strong and brave man go to?

Maybe you should reexamine
What strength means from what I’ve lived through!

Tell me, what would Girlfriend say
If I told her your full confession?

Do you think you’re gonna sway
Me to your side with blackmail questions?

I don’t think you understand
The lengths I’d go to make Sarv happy…

Thought you were God’s servant, man!
All of this Sarv talk sounds real sappy…

No, is nothing like that! Is just lifelong tie...
I protect her, she looks after me
If we keep doing that, we never die!

Oh, is that really all? Then I'm sure she'd love to find
That God and souls are just a job to you
And she holds the number-one spot in your mind?

I can’t distract her from her life's work, so don’t you squeal!
I know you have dark secrets of your own
So shut up quickly and my lips are sealed!

Sounds like a deal to me
Let me add one quid pro quo
Just point me to the bathroom in this place
I'll get out of your hair, and she'll never know!



Oh, by the way, no human’s ever been able to keep up with this one for more than a couple of seconds, so I’ve already won

Is that so? Hahah… You might be fast… but I’ve mastered an almost-unbeatable technique!


God in heaven please forgive me
For what this boy’s made me do
I promise I’ll extract his soul
And quickly give it back to you!

So look away, avert your gaze
Lest you behold a gruesome fate
As your eternal servant
Wipes the floor with this unholy ingrate!

Don’tcha think that maybe if you
Fear that God might disapprove
Of what you plan to do to me
You oughta make a different move?

My girlfriend might be devilishly cute
But I know she ain’t schemin’
C’mon, give me all you got
You’re up against a real speed demon!

If you want to fight and struggle
For your freedom, be my guest
I’ll bind your mind like Isaac’s body
Knowing that it's for the best!

Your soul is twisted, broken, tainted
Dominated, weak, dependent
You can't fix it, hand it to your savior
Let Sarvente mend it!

Givin’ up my soul to someone
Like you isn't that appealing
Didn't let me use the bathroom
Called me dumb, dismiss my feelings!

Speak like you're a flawless saint
But all your words are cruel and hollow!
If you wanna be a savior
Be a nun folks want to follow!

Don’t you know I’ve saved hundreds before?

Are they even alive anymore?

Most are in heaven, they live devout lives thanks to me!
Ask God yourself when you get up there, and you'll quickly see!

I'm in no rush to give up the ghost and pass away...
Got a lifetime left to pass the gates on my judgement day!

Living as you are right now
Will surely lead you into sinning
You’ll be worse off than you would be
If you died at your beginning!

Wait a second, are you saying
I’m more sinful than a baby?
Those things don’t have morals yet at all
So reconsider, maybe?

All you've done since you arrived
Is whine about your precious toilet
Sounds real immature to me
You could have joined and went, you spoiled it!

I still gotta tinkle, though…

This ain’t the time and place, you know!

You see, this is the reason I won’t let my soul go!

You keep rejecting your life’s goal in the long run!

You keep projecting your own dreams on everyone!

It’s the right dream!
All you stupid humans
Think eternity is far away
‘Til it’s right there in your face!

Get you want me
Born again into a new man
But you suck today
Even if your heart’s in the right place!

Why won’t you budge? Take the love I can never feel!

Is heaven holding a grudge with you, what’s the deal?

Just a little violence
Didn’t hurt them too much
Won’t hurt you a bit if
You give me that soul of yours now!

I’m afraid to say
You might be losing your touch
You keep laying waste to
All your holy duties and vows!

I’ve been saving souls for eons, pardon me if I get rude
When shrimpy little sacrilegious punks like you have attitudes!So screw the vows, forget the rules, the only thing that works is fear!
What will it take to make you break? Let’s find the answer, right now, right here!

Nothin’ left to scare me, my life’s chock full of disasters
Every time I think it’s over, I live through it and rap even faster!
Made me tough and built me up, I’m not a wimp, I’m a survivor
And I’m a huge hit online with lots of patrons and subscribers!

No one wants to listen to the word of God these days, they’d rather
Pledge their lives in service of the followings that they can gather!
Bet you’d change your tune real quick if you saw your eternal fateSo I’ll give you a little sample, open the infernal gate!

Slow down, lady! Doesn’t seem appropriate to put me through Hell
Just ‘cos I’m not that religious, that’s not gonna work out too well!
You’ll just leak some fire and a couple brimstones in the parish!
Burn the floors and melt the walls, this place will look defaced and garish!

It’s too late, behold eternal torture!
Look upon your future and despair, the Boyfriend!
In a bed of thorns while demons poke at you
And you wish you weren’t living!

Endless pain, no reprieve
And no way to get out, can’t leave
Would you take this end, or do you
Have some sins that need forgiving?

It’s not too late, change your fate with me
And this glimpse will be all you’ll ever see!

Is that all, some demons and some fire?
Poking me and tying me to painful bedding?
That was Tuesday last week when the Dearests tested
My reflexes and my cunning!

Things were tense, made no sense
But I dodged with all of my strength
With assistance from The Girlfriend
Made it out alive, looked stunning!

Give it up, there’s nothin’ that’s too hard
For me to overcome when Girlfriend’s my guard!

I don’t get it, that was Hell. I showed you Hell and you’re still fearless!
Nobody that’s gone this far has ever held up, God, you’re peerless…
Won’t do any more than that to take your soul, congrats, you win it
Could just cheat and warp your mind, but even demons have their limits...

I told ya!
Nothin’s gonna get to me if I’ve got Girlfriend by my side
I know that things’ll work out fine with her love when I’m terrified!
The love you feel for God’s immense, I can’t deny that, sure you mean well
But you won’t win much of His if you keep making portals to Hell!

Your enthusiasm’s awful, God, I hate it, what a fool
You think I’ll ever win His love when He makes all of heaven’s rules?
You’re free, now go, get off my church, I’ll take a week to rest and cry
Then dust myself off, fake a smile, give this thing another try

In the end, it doesn’t matter what you do, you’re in a loop
Of greeting, begging, forcing, pushing people to join in your troupe
So I’ll just leave and live my life, I really am a lucky one
To have someone that cares for me despite the stupid things I’ve always done…
In the end, it doesn’t matter what I do, I’m in a loop
Of greeting, begging, forcing, pushing people to join in my troupe
So you can leave, go live your life, that Girlfriend is a lucky one
To have someone that cares for her despite the awful things she’s probably done…
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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