Defeat & Finale WITH LYRICS lyrics




Little one, you play for fun
But a true imposter plays to relish in pain...

I don't see dishonesty
And mass genocide as a good price to atain..

One missed note will slice your throat
When you take a stab at fighting me on the mic...

My fresh raps put me on the map
Time for you to find out what defeat tastes like!

Oh, do tell
You're such an expert on it

Is that...
My own corpse?!
One of hundreds, yes


To put it simply...

This realm is my little trophy room
So takе it in and recognize your doom
Bear witnеss to your past demises
You will join them very soon...

Fine, you got me, this is pretty scary
But it's ugly and unsanitary!
Fill your house with corpses and you'll be
The one who winds up sickened, writhing, dead and buried!

Fools like you could never understand
How thoroughly I wash my dirty hands
Of evidence, I don't just rinse
I wipe all traces, just as planned...
Who carse if you're bursting with finesse?
The airship's clean, but down here, it's a mess!
Why would you waste your time betraying us
If you don't even
Use the ship you killed us to possess?

There is nothing in that ship I can do
But to endlessly dismember its crew...

What the funk is wrong with you, you're insane!
An assassin with no bounty to claim...

Making every meeting, faking tasks
"Completing" all the things that I am asked
A friendly face nobody would expect
Until my pretty knife severs their neck...

Every meeting, every task
Completing everything you're asked
A friendly face, none would suspect
Until your knife severs their neck...
Bodies start to line the floors
First Yellow's, Blue's, Purple's, and more
Suspicions rise into the sky
But "It could never be that guy!"

Bodies start to pile up on the floors
First Yellow's, Blue's, then Purple's, even more...
Suspicions shoot way into the sky
But they think "It could never be that guy!"

One after another, numbers thin
I know by now I've clenched another win
A vote is cast, I've made them all so sure
As they eject Green out the airlock door!

One by one, the numbers thin
The crew is losing hope to win
A vote is cast, the team is sure
As Green flies out the airlock door

Now it's just us two aboard
The time is right, for you've ignored
The subtlety of my duress
Your head is lifeless, fallen on your chest...

Now there's only me and you aboard
But something isn't right, how I ignore
The subtle flaws and tells of your duress
I try to run as my head falls onto my chest...

And that is how your most recent corpse entered my collection...

Did any of them...
Lose a rap battle?

Ah, yes, I...
Don't remember?

I recall perfectly all
Of my successes, how suspicious...

What a mystery, lost your history!
You have fun with that, best wishes...

Don't you move an inch, you'd better rap
Until you fill in my memory gap...

Prob'ly means I've never lost this duel
So you'd best give up or you're getting schooled!

That's impossible! I always win! Win! Win!
You don't know the danger you are in! In! In!
Letting someone get away is sin! Sin! Sin!
I will seperate you from your skin! Skin! Skin!

Chill out, buddy, you don't sound too well, well, well
Know you can't outrap me, I can tell, tell, tell
You look real pathetic when you yell, yell, yell
Really oughta learn to take the L, L, L

You don't get it, I could never be deceived
This is like a giant stain that just won't leave!
I only exist to lie, betray, and cleave!
You're withholding something, boy, I'm not naive!

Look, you might be good at murder, but who knows
If you keep on killing it when you sing prose!
Really oughta settle for the field you chose!
Just surrender, you know how this battle goes...

I have ended millions, shooting, choking, stabbing, striking, stinging
Everything I do is lethal
No exceptions, even singing rhymes!

I'll admit, this song's legit
A challenge to hit every note on
But we've reached the ending, I'm defending
'Cos they leave my throat on time!

All I need's one tiny, teensy
Slip-up to hit where it hurts
Let down your guard, you'll go down hard
And trust me, you won't be the first...

You need one tiny, teensy
Slip-up to hit where it hurts
Let down my guard, I'll go down hard
But trust me, you'll get struck down first!

There's no way, no one can play
So perfectly except for me!
I'm calling foul, you've done it now
Time you found out how monstrous I can be!

There's no way most folks can play
So perfectly, except for me!
No calling foul, I beat you now
So dig deep down and show humility!


Same rules as before
Perform flawlessly, or face
Instant annihilation

But no more killing anyone if i win!

All or nothing it is

Feel your racing heart rate
As my fatal talents
Set your tattered soul free
When you're permanently extinguished!
Face your defeat
For the last time!

Impostors and crewmates
Hanging in the balance
This is the finale
Gonna make it past the finish line!

All my existence
Spent confined in this endless loop of ruin!
One step outside
Always one step too far!

One small step outside's
One step too far!

No more time to bide
Come on, let's spar!

Gotta contain ya
Don't know what the funk I think I'm doin'..
Nowhere to hide
It's on, let's trade some bars!

Weak and slender
Might as well surrender
Kid you're no contender
For a parasite!

I'm weak and slander
But I won't just surrender
To a mistrustful pretender
With an overbite!

Toxic venom dripping from my fangs and knife...

Bite or stab or pull the trigger
Can't stop boyfriend, I deliver
Spittin' out venom
More than you've spat your entire life!

Brag all you want, it just takes one hit, one shot, one try
'til i make my move and break your spine!
You are formidable, but your assault is pint-sized
Face your demise!

Even with just a single try
This rappin' legend never dies!
Hit me with all you got, i'll be just fine!
Sticks and stones break my bones, but nothin' can defeat my spirit
Voice so strong, monster and demons fear its highs...

Once i've finished this trial run
I'll slaughter crewmates, and one by one...
As all their friends don't respawn
I'll dawn on them just what black has done...

Just one more round
Til my kills
Are unbound!

In my purest form, i lie deep inside this skin
That's where i crew myself from within
Quietly gestating
Just waiting
To break in
Take over
And to feed!

My host is long gone, eaten
But his husk helps me earn trust
And it has grown into my own as if it's always been!

I don't get it, what's the goal?
Without crewmates, man, you've got no role!
So dead obsessed with killing
Think you might just be fillin' up a hole?

What's left of you?
Are you black?
Who the funk
Am i siging this line to?

Thought that you were just off your rocker, this is worse!
I can't let you go infect and disperse
To do more flesh-eating
This cosmic horror curse!
So come at me bro...
Let's go for one more verse!

One more verse!

There's such joy inside my heart, bloodshed is nigh..

Bite or stab or pull the trigger
Can't stop boyfriend i deliver
So much more heart
Than you stole from undead crewmate guy!

Even with just a single try
This rappin' legend never dies!
Hit me with all you got, i'll be just fine!

Just don't forget, you've still got one hit, one shot, one try
'til I make my move and take what's mine!

You are formidable but you won't live through my lies!
Face your demise

Sticks and stones break my bones, but nothin' can defeat my spirit
Voice so strong, monsters and demons fear its

War cry!

How are you still alive?
Almost out of time!

Reachin' the home stretch
Just a little bit more funny rappin' and my win is bound to happen!
Give me all your hardest bars
You're out of time!

Keep it up and pay the price, so call it off
Take my advice or say goodbye to all your creepy
Betrayals, sabotage and murderin' crimes!

Not one flinch, won't give an inch
Can't lose over dumb rhymes!

Parrying every word that exits your mouth
Your hopes are really goin' south!

Parrying every word that exits my mouth
My hopes are really goin' south!

Give it up and cut it short
You're desperate as a self report!

Ain't the sort to give it up and self-report!
I ain't throwin' my clout out!

Funked around and found out!

Fight to the bitter end
And you ain't killin' nobody ever again!
We made a promise!
A contract!
Do you really wanna go for broke and risk that?

The last act..
I'm in! always bet on black!

No turnin' back from this
You've done it now, you massive clown, you've sealed your fate
You really think i'm gonna combo break?
So let's hold one last vote
With the strength of our two throats

Come on!
Gotta miss you gotta miss! I need this!
Waiting for a note to drop!
A little mess, a tiny flop
But i didn't hear one, could it be
This child's made a fool of me?
One last vote with strengh of our two throats..

Did i just FC this whole?
Funkin' hardcore song you wrote?

Did you just FC this whole?
Funkin' hardcore song i wrote?
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