LSD lyrics
by Sia
The LSD I got, was an audio file named 03_DigitalDrugPack_DigitalLSD from I-doser
It starts out sort of loud and blaring, swirling sounds, then machine beeps, sounds like something levitating, like a machine, not heavy just sudden loudness
I kind of hear some clicks, drum beats start playing with a scale of white noise rising in pitch
Bass starts playing after 16 measures
Drum pattern does a backbeat for two
Then some synths start playing after a drum fill
Tam tam, tanan tan nanan
Then there's a flute being played, with a loud echo effect on it
Some chromatic scales descending
Then what sounds like birds, of different kinds
One is definitely a parrot
Then there's a trumpety sound that might be a muffled scream or maybe an elephant
Same synth riff repeats a bunch of times and it fades out
That's my experience with LSD