Far Beyond The Bars lyrics
by Greydon Square
I love every letter of every love letter
The respect that I get from my people, there’s none better
...This goes far beyond the bars
This is my thank you message weighing heavy on my heart
Beginning with Tragniew Park
Ending out in the stars
Never did I imagine I’d ever make it this far
What an amazing distance, orphan to artist rappin
Started off an enlisted, now I’m a starship captain
Overloaded with passion, devoted to making work of it
For all of my supporters that often gave me encouragement
I learned from it
From every email read to every compliment
I’m honored to say that I’ve achieved fans on every continent
It’s crazy actually
Fans tattoo my name on them and name their babies after me
And I haven’t even reached my apogee
This for the grand unified that flocked to shows
Spreading trans-intellectualism across the globe
I’m often told my content direction offers hope
That why I so appreciate the support as I walk this road
For every instance, you let your sons and daughters listen
I wanted to write something most proficient
It’s been described as medicine
A tool used best to extract a lie from a reverend
A vibe for the intelligent
Humble in interviews
For every time you reached out just to tell me what it meant to you
I feel like I’m representing you
You were so patient with where I chose to take it
And I really wasn’t really sure what to wear to this so I showed up naked
...Only peddling information
The sole thing to me that’s sacred
But it was you that help me show the nations
So I’m forever thankful
I’ve have the freedom of never needing a label’s say so
I’m just another number on my social worker’s caseload
A living final fantasy whose eyes glowed with Mako
But grateful
So I return your loving energy
If you’re listening to this, then you’ve become a friend to me
I wish that I could hang out with everyone of you
Laugh and cry, then kick the science over a blunt or two
This want is nothing new
Actually it’s a disguise the truth is that I’m stuck with you
I don’t even know what to do
We’re family now
With me handing out lyrics like hand me downs
...It’s like you finally understand me now
And it goes both ways
Just know my dedication and devotion won’t wain
The soldiering won’t change
The vessel is Carl Sagan I dare them to find it’s equal
This is a flagship command commissioning by my people
We’ll explore it together, we can create potentially
A true Unified Federation of Astral Entities
The way it was it was meant to be
We’re simply seeds
Expressions of extropy and entropy
That intercede
...It will be, our fingertips imprinted on history
Physically getting lost in the mystery
...The future looking at, what you all have meant to me
Thanking you for all the borrowed energy