Shocked, my mouth feels so dry
It's evening, it's dark but I can see your lie
I asked you: is he your boyfriend?
And you said said no...'s your hand he holds
Cold, the pain sears my bones
But I can't feel it yet, I wish my eyes were wet
I wish I'd say something, I'm still trying to guess
What should I do? Should I catch up to you?
No...I take a different route
You don't see me, neither does he
(music blares through my speakers but all I hear is the beat)
Of my heart, military drums
Marching through the storm but I don't want to go on why?!
I asked you, is he your boyfriend?
And you said no, you said no
And now it's his hand you hold
I...I'm starting to feel cold
Walking to the bridge, feelin' so old
But my eyes shed no, my eyes shed no tears
I will never cry for a girl no matter how dear
But there are tears on my heart
And I fear, they will forever smart
Because you see, with every girl I dig
Of my bleeding heart, I leave a piece...
So when they pass...
Psychededlic steez, I'll hear it beat out loud
Most of them are dead now; they shriveled up
The love fizzled out: I've given up
But as I walk across this bridge
I know, in me deep
I'll get off the floor, brush these shards off
And tell myself, there's gotta be more
There's gotta be more, I can't run out now: there's gotta be more...
Spoken Reasons:
...And then you have the turtle ass man
And we ALL know the turtle end up winning the race
He'll actually sit around for weeks, months and years
When he knows he has no chance with you!
And creeps the hell in whenever he sees an opportunity
So when your boyfriend f*ck up!
Cause he will f*ck up!
OPPORTUNITY is near for me!