Why lyrics
by Farveblind
I know you have questions about the state of the earth
I know your core has been shook
I know that your queries are tearing apart your insides
I know you don’t understand and neither do I
I know you won’t wait for God to save us
I know you feel your prayers have gone by unheard
I know your voice has been taken from you
I know your vote has been taken from you
I know, you know that ignorance is not bliss
I know you have questions
Why are we still on the wrong path?
Why are we still not united?
Why are we pushing the weak down?
Why are we looking to a false crown?
Why is life in the ocean disappearing?
Why is life on land disappearing?
Why are we running out of air?
Why am I so f*cking terrified?
Why can we not see past color?
Why are we not beyond gender?
Why are all not equal?
Who tricked you into thinking that there is a part two?
There is no sequel
Why are they not telling us about the things that matter?
Why do we have to dig to find the truth?
How is there still war if we’re smarter today than sixty years ago?
Why are we ruining all that is green and blue?
And lastly
Mirror, mirror, I am blameless
When will I be rich and famous?
Hocus pocus, you’ve lost your focus
Hocus pocus, it’s fame that broke us
Hocus pocus, there is no such thing as a deck stacked full of jokers
Hocus pocus, they stole your focus
If it’s got thorns, it’s not a lotus
There’ll be no peace in this world unjust
Rich are the few that leave the fight with no cuts
But we have no need for billionaires
There is no need for billionaires
Not present for the kill you swear
But everybody f*cking saw you there
I know, I know, hate nothing but hatred itself
But as far as real thoughts go, this hate for you I just can’t help
Don’t think I don’t count my blessings, but it’s that kind of joy these vultures invest in
Look away, look away, look at all that you’ve got
Keep turning your head to the crimes in your blind spot
Until you’re left with the only question that matters
Mirror, mirror, I am blameless
When will I be f*cking famous?
When will I be famous?
When will I be famous?