Interlude to Oblivion Access lyrics


Lil Ugly Mane

Press 3 for Little Ugly Mane

I was reading a book
And I, I was trying to look up a
I was, anyway
Well, I'm not going to talk about the situation I was in at the time
But I was in a very kind of lonely situation
And I was reading this Garcia Marquez book
And I got to a word and I didn't have a dictionary on me and I
I wanted I wanted to get an exact
My vocabulary is not very good
Anyone will testify, to read that book
It's a real easy read
So I got to this book
I got to this word and I thought, well I'll look it up on my phone
[?] You can Google a word now
So I Googled the word "lugubrious"
And it took me right to this song
By this rap artist called Lil Ugly Mane
And he's been my favourite artist now for the last five years
And he's all I listen to
He's all I listen to
He's all I listen to
He's all I listen to
He's all I listen to
He's all I listen to
He's all I listen to
He's all I listen to
He's all I listen to
Oblivion Access is the alchemical decoction of an interminable hydra-headed debate
A chorus of discordant and opposing parties channelled through a single medium
Adversaries vehemently insisting and promulgating their positions in scattered unorganized unidentified sequence
Unified through the isolated voice of a lone entranced narrator
The hollowed-out bard's corpse parasitically reanimated
His idle hands pluck away at any and every instrument the invaders command and then suddenly vanish
Leaving our raconteur mired in a festering silence to drift through the wreckage of his dehumanization
Passer-bys unaware of his possession stop to laugh and ridicule his manic barrage of contradictory allegories, pseudo-intellectual deductions, leaping self-reflection, flagellation and tasteless lobbying
Oblivion access is a rejection of critique and analysis
Accepting only absolute destruction or absolute secession from the propaganda of reason
Demanding that all opinion is hyperbole
Looking upon the forced marriage of existence and meaning, science and fact, morality and righteousness
Looking upon them all as dogmatic totalitarian structures
Oblivion Access is the nervous thud and roll of martial percussion in the march towards the abolition of the belief that political and philosophical spectrums vary in linear and nonlinear, morally adjacent, morally hierarchical polarities, qualities or attributes
Challenging this system with matched totalitarity by insisting that all beliefs are but a single cell existing simultaneously as one
A crushed and twisted tomb of microcosmic dark matter
A hysterical writing pool of filth and etiquette folding in on itself with inconceivable geometry
Notions of identity and individualism, collectivism and camaraderie are the soldiers in the war being waged upon you
Humanity is a windless chasm ceremoniously cannibalizing itself from birth until death
Direct your hostility inward and lay to waste your pathetic grievances
Set fire and ejaculate upon the illustrious monuments and pedestals you erect to house and glorify your nauseating self-interests
Detach yourself from the acceptance of an imposed perspective of societal normality and allow yourself a view of the alien spectator
Look at all the clowns
Nothing but clowns
Painted and bedazzled
Dancing and posing
The pratfall followed by cartoonish portrayal of dizziness and pain
Oh, look at the concern
The empathy of the audience echoing in unison
Oh look, he's back on his feet
Three cheers
Cue sad trombone
Wait, look over here
That clown car sure is fuel-efficient
Low emissions
And will you look at that
They car pooled
So green
What is this clown doing?
Wagging his finger at that group of people singing
Preaching to a choir
How literal
What a radical notion
Funny clowns
The extravagant towering gesture on his stilts
Backlit so his long shadow menacingly eclipses the hobo and the sad tramp
Hold up
Over here
Look at this clown
His beret and palette
His paint-splashed overcoat
The sweat on his brow
Perhaps his art will change me
Just look
All of the mimes
In their prisons and boxes
Captive mimes
With invisible captors
The net of the trampoline
The illusion of danger
Such allure
So many funny clowns
Allow the clowns to amuse you year after year unapologetically
and then slip away into death
knowing that as you fade into mystery and oblivion your final thoughts of fear
Of regret
Of peace
Of hope
Are just you adorning the honking red nose and oversized shoes of human understanding one final time
Or perhaps for all eternity
Also, wieners
Also, butts
Also doo-doo
Also baseball man run fast and is funny
Who let the dogs out?
But alas
The baby who can point to the apple and know that it is an apple and not a pear is congratulated and praised
This is the indoctrination into exclusionary divisionism
Teach your children nothing
Let them wander stupid and primitive
Let them bite down on stones and allow their injuries to guide them naturally to a system of rational classification and inclusion
Because I like pears
Very mild flavour
Too mild
Add some balsamic
Stir in some pine nuts and spinach and then finally grate some parmigiano reggiano on top
The good kind
Don't like balsamic?
Why not try some liquid aminos because you are too good for soy sauce
Get the burner hot and create a reduction
Put the pile of sh*tty wilted pears on the plate and then
Using a spoon
Splatter the reduction on the plate in a cool, sparse, intentional pattern
This is my passion
Look at the plate now
Spit on the fruit
A throaty, deep loogie
Get some bile
Use your fingers
There it is
Take a photograph
Now give it to that baby that thought he was so smart because he was able to accurately select the apple from an assortment of fruits
Tastes good
Furthermore, dismiss language
Spell things wrong intentionally
Embellish phonetics
Use the wrong word
Your mother asks how you like the ice cream
You love it
Do not say this
Instead, describe the ice cream as incorrigible, but pronounce it "in-corgi-ball"
Next, rub your hand on your stomach and lick the dead skin from your chapped lips
Now stand up from the table and hug your mother
Explain to her in a broken syntax that nothing she could ever teach you would ever be enough to reconcile the contempt you have for being born
Something like,
"She could would contempt warn you for have being reconcile enough never to be old flotsam soggy"
Who is that?
Oh, woman in the cataract glasses
You old cloudy-eyed piece of sh*t
Pay no attention
Instead, contort your body until you snap in half
Do not submit to any limitation
Submission is the resignation into eternal victimization
Acknowledgement is unconsciousness
recognition of power is recognition of its existence
Protest is the equivalent of prayer
Do absolutely not do absolutely
Condone absurdity and absurdly reject
Shoot the extra-terrestrial aircrafts from the sky with the machine you invented
Whisper and shout with the same emphatic clarity
Do not ask
Do not assume
If you find yourself concerned with the logic of a situation
Close your eyes and create a new word
This new word will become the definition and explanation of the logic you seek
For instance
So much better now
The warm blanket of truth and science
All purpose is negligible
Endless historical recursion has eliminated our ability to see beyond what has already been attempted
Your giant head in an infinite mirror
Forever obstructing the view of what's directly behind it
All power is paternalistic
Advocacy is managerial and therefore hierarchical
Membership and allegiance are voluntary
Lay down in the tall grass and cover yourself with bugs
The snakes will eat the bugs and you will eat the snakes
A symbiosis
A dinner with friends
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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