WHy 3rd wave feminism is against men and is actively taking steps away from equality lyrics
by Fish (Rock)
First, I want to make it clear that I am no against the equality of the sexes however one thing I am against is 3rd wave feminism and the ideology it pushes. This idea presented by these 3rd wave feminists is not that of empowerment of both sexes or fixing a problem that affects either women or men but the idea that all men are bad and that instead of empowering women that wе should degrade men. This logic in my еyes is completely backwards and makes no sense whatsoever and as a result will not help our society grow. What I want you to do now is imagine a world where there are no societal injustices or oppression where there is equality in opportunity. This would be an ideal world in most people's opinions and is one where both men and women have their issues eliminated. Yet this does not mean we are the same in all aspects as we rely on each other to function as a society. Take for example a phone, the phone may have all the compartments in it such that it will work but no power and as a result it will not function, well this is similar to our society as without cooperation we may have short term success yet we will ultimately fail in the long term as different genders are more successful in different aspects of life
One constant idea proposed by 3rd wave feminism is that there is a pay gap where women make 70% of what men make for doing the same job. This statistic is incredibly misleading as it does not consider other variables but only takes the median earnings of men and women and compare them. However, if you complete a multi-varied analysis and take into the account that men work 4.5 hours more per week in the UK more than women in 2019. As well as this from 2018-2019 95% of all workplace fatalities were men showing us that men are working more dangerous jobs and are reaping the rewards. Another factor you can include is this is agreeableness which is often associated with being nice and empathetic. In the workplace, this trait is often negative as you're more likely to be exploited and are less likely to be able to negotiate for themselves. Whereas a less agreeable person is more likely to say things that may be considered harsh but are often true and can argue for themselves and know what they want and what they are going to do to get that. Now I want to go back to the pay gap. Explain to me how if you're able to pay women less than men for doing the same amount of work in the same field then why is only 42% of the workforce in the UK women. This doesn't make sense as transnational corporations will exploit poorer countries for labour as it is cheaper than why not do it in the UK or other high-income countries
Another thing 3rd wave feminism fails to realise is that men suffer societal injustices too. For example, men are 3 times more likely to commit suicide than women; only 14% of the homeless/ rough sleepers are women yet they have 7500 places of refuge compared to men having 60 in England and Wales; 70.3% of homicide victims are male, women have lower arrest rates for virtually all crimes apart from prostitution as well as this women also get significantly shorter prison sentences. Let's not forget men are more likely to lose custody of their child in a divorce even though children are twice as likely to be abused by their mother than they are by their farther; women live on average 6 to 8 years longer than men; the fact that a woman who gets pregnant from raping or sexually assaulting a man or underage boy can sue them for child support. Furthermore, domestic and sexual abuse against men is almost always taken less seriously than domestic and sexual violence against women. Now I don't see these so-called feminists who 'advocate for gender equality' bringing up these dreadful injustices. Now I ask you to name a legal privilege that men have that women don't and I don't mean things such as not having to be afraid of being raped or cat called as there are things like this men experience
Additionally, 3rd wave feminism also negatively affects women. For example, the meaning of being raped has been significantly changed and now no longer means the 'penetration with a p*nis of the vagina, anus or mouth of another person without their consent', which in the first place absolves women of being rapists, but now can be anything from making a woman uncomfortable or cat-calling to penetration without consent. This, in turn, has caused an increase in false rape accusations which not only can ruin a man's entire life. For example, Nikki Yovino, 18, confessed to making up rape allegations college football players to gain the sympathy of a prospective boyfriend. The players were later cut from the team, had their scholarships stripped and were forced into leaving the school. This along with many other false accusations that often include athletic prospects also damage the credibility of actual rapes and worsen the likelihood of conviction. Furthermore, 3rd wave feminists have completely abandoned the idea of being innocent until proven guilty when a woman accuses a man of rape, however, praise women when they abuse a partner or man which yet again shows us how they are not fighting for equality
Overall, I believe it will take much more than individuals to provide equality, and those people are not 3rd wave feminists as they have undoubtedly changed the meaning associated with being a feminist. As I said before instead of degrading people and taking from them to have so-called equality we should instead give and aim to empower people who speak out and to do that we must risk being offensive and be able to talk about sensitive matters like this and as a whole become more accepting of other people's views