Genius South Africa Top 5 Songs of 2022 lyrics
by Genius South Africa
This is a Genius South Africa Top 5 Songs of 2022 ranking page.
Feel free to add your username together with your personal list of 5 songs released in 2022 that you liked the most. Make sure to list songs by or featuring South African artists.
If you have any suggestions for our future top 5 ranking projects, feel free to discuss it in the suggestions below, post in the Genius South Africa forum.
P.S: We all know SETE has been #1 on the charts for like 2 months. Just to be diverse, pick something else…@LOADEDx16Bit risky updating now cuz Kelvin Momo is dropping a whole album in 1 week but whatever.
1. Ntjaka Mei Dawg - Focalistic
2. GODLIKE - A-Reece
3. Liyangishonela - Kabza De Small
4. Eningi - Kabza De Small
5. Abo Mvelo - Daliwonga@Gift_RealGIn no particular order...
1. Alive – Blaklez, Pdot O, Jay Jody
2. Prayers Up – FLVME
3. Life Is Gangsta – Thato Saul
4. Peace Hunting – Touchline
5. Never Ride – MashBeatz@The_Aards1. Goat Talk – 25K, DJ Sliqe & Maglera Doe Boy
3. Summervibe – Manana
4. The MACnificent – Ginger Trill
5. GODLIKE – A-Reece