7-eleven lyrics
by black midi
I met a blind man the other day
As I crossed the street in my hometown
He came up to me
His eyes all glazed over
His hair slicked back behind his ears
And he said to me
"Son, it's a dangerous world out there"
And "Don't worry, but if you're not careful you'll hurt yourself"
I said, "Alright sir, I'll do my best, thank you very much."
And I carried on crossing
And when I finally reached the other side I went into 7-Eleven
I got today's New York Times and a single cigarette
I also asked them to do me an omelette
But they ran out of eggs
So I bought my things and left the store
With my paper
Lit a cigarette
Flipped to the back pages of the paper to read the sports news
Not much to read
So I got to the curb and got out my keys
The RV was just on the other side
I began to cross
I pushed the button to unlock it
And as I reached for the door
A great big f*ckoff truck went straight through me