Yo! What's up T-Bone? How’s it going dog?
Yo! I'm doing great
I'm glad your doing great man. (mmhmm)
Well, i’ll tell you what's for lunch today
What's today's lunch?
Corn dog. Pears
That's a badass lunch. sh*t. I hate that one. That's a bad one
I don't wanna eat that so what do you got?
I got some chocolate pudding
That doesn't look too bad honestly
Yeah I know right?
Yeah, it actually doesn’t look that bad
Who made it?
I did
No way man you don’t cook that good
I'm just saying man
That- okay. What the hell
So uh, T-Bone, what else is in that bag I don’t care about that
That was rude
I don't care. Show me what else is in that bags of yours
No! Wha-Wha-Why are you rude?
I don't care if that's rude i’m just tryna know what's in that freakin' bag!
Why do you wanna know
Yeah you know what I wanna see man you wanna know and I wanna know too so show me what's in that bag
I'm not showing you
Show me what's in that bag
Ew, you eat baloney sandwiches
Yeah mind your own business
What are you?
A human being
I mean you told me what am i so...
I don't care
What else is in that bag of yours
I'm not showing you anything man
That is disgusting. You are disgusting
I didn't show you crap
I don't care if I slammed the table I don't give a crap
I didn't ask that man I don't care
What ever man
You are high right now aren't you?
You are a terrible guy you know that?
I didn't do anything man. What is your problem today
You are disrespectful
I'M disrespectful
I hate you
Woah what happened to the cafeteria
You don't mess with me like that you-you hear me
I'm sorry man
No! That won't cut it
Calm the heck down what's wrong with you
Get outta here
Yeah you better run away and don't you dare come back!