[Verse 1: Wild Wes and *Mom*]
*Get Up!*
*It's time to go to school!*
What for?
*Your brain needs IQ it's the rule.*
What rule?
*It's best for you not to know.*
Why not?
*You're asking too many questions. Now go!*
[*Front doors closes*]
You may be wondering why i'm outside with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide
People wanna rush you as fast as they can
I bet they all think that they da gingerbread man
What are we reading a baby book or a diary
How could my own mother just betray me?
*What you doing ouside? Talking to your imaginary friends?!*
Back off Mom I don't need uncessesary complaints!
Mom stepped off the front porch
She looked angry as hell. Her face was red as a torch
*Go to school. I ain't tellin' ya again
You need to go out and get a friend.*
It's like she was giving me jobs
But the ones who have get home and act like slobs
Do you want me to be a lazy bum mom? Huh? Do ya?
*What you talkin' bout?*
Every sentence was a flaw with her
I couldn't stand her right now. I wanna run away
I would take jumping off a cliff any other ****ing day
The bus pulled up and it didn't look pretty
The way the bus driver looked at me It was kinda dodgy
But Mom was standing next to me so i had to deal
I got on the bus, sat next to a kid. You gotta be for real
The kid looked at me like I was a stranger
But I was 7 years older that they kid. Life can't get any better
Dear Diary
Why ya lie to me
I thought the day today was gonna be lively
The diary has a heart of its own
It writes down what's gonna happen in the future
[Verse 2]
I think I can remember what the Diary said
Some homo's gonna go to yo house and take your bed
I was like, nonsense now lemme get it started
The day was okay so far theres no way I can get departed
I walk in the door. It smelled like Barbeque
Who knew BBQ could smell so bad. Peeyeew!
I tried to play it off but I refused
On top of that I had a f**kin' book to get renewed
It was not a good start to an awful day
I guess I couldn't even wait till May
School isn't exactly the world to me
**** society. I blame on my diary
Dear Diary
Why ya lie to me
I thought the day today was gonna be lively
The diary has a heart of its own
It writes down what's gonna happen in the future
Okay, class! Sit down. Just because you're back from break doesn't mean you can just play around. Let's start this test
[Verse 3]
We all sat down for 48 minutes
The test was on the first day I heard at least 20 fits
I sat in my chair as if I was a ragdoll
I felt so weak I'm surprised I can even think at all
That test was the kind of test you take
Where all the answers to the question would look fake
You just don't understand. You need to see it to believe it
It amazed me how much time we would get
20 damn minutes that ain't even half the time of class
I turned in the paper, I knew I didn't pass
A student went outside and sat in the grass
My brain is like an engine it's runnin' out of gas
Okay now. Day is over
To have a better day I'd need a four leaf clover
I got off the bus and went in the front
Mom was yelling at me I don't want to live anymore
Dear Diary
Why ya lie to me
I thought the day today was gonna be lively
The diary has a heart of its own
It writes down what's gonna happen in the future
Dear Diary
Why ya lie to me
I thought the day today was gonna be lively
The diary has a heart of its own
It writes down what's gonna happen in the future